Vyrdigaan Order


An ancient cabal of sorcerers dedicated to the study of crystal bonds.  The pioneering Malvanian alchemist Drusyt Retnik was among the first to perfect the technique of artificial crystal-bonding.  Together with his colleagues Judaas Fendor (Malvanian), Reginald Levereton (Virian) and Wilfred Trahern (Virian), he conducted many experiments on unbonded test subjects until the four sorcerers discovered the best way of introducing crystal fragments into the DNA of those without crystal bonds.

 Judaas Fendor

Drusyt Retnik

Reginald Levereton

Wilfred Trahern

Their techniques were considered blasphemous throughout Viria.  They were forced into hiding and eventually relocated their laboratory to Malvania, where their experiments were revered instead of reviled.

The four men became known as the Crystal Mages.  It was only later that they adopted the term Vyrdigaan — an ancient word meaning "mixture" or "combination".

Since those early days, the mandate of the Vyrdigaan Order expanded.  Under the auspices of the Gods, they carried on their crystal research, along with studies in other areas of expertise such as healing, alchemy and personal alchemy (also known as transformation or shapeshifting).

The Gods laid a heavy burden on them — the onerous task of maintaining the delicate balance of the entire Fenian Galaxy, defending it from invaders and ensuring that the power remained in the hands of those most deserving to wield it.

The Carpathians (see Carpathian Movement for more details) learned of the work of the Vyrdigaan Order and made an enduring alliance with them.  This paved the way for many Malvanian sorcerers to be employed by Carpathian families under the guise of tailors and other craftspeople.  The Carpathians came to share the burden of preserving the Fenian Galaxy as part of their bargain with the ruling body of the Vyrdigaan Order, known as the Vyrdhrii Elders.  For the most part, the alliance remains a secret and the two organisations only act openly in times of crisis.

The Vyrdigaan Order grew.  It now has enclaves all over Malvania, Viria and Varathusia.  Anyone with sorcery powers may join.  Babies and young children without crystal bonds can receive artificial crystal implants, thus rendering them eligible to train as Vyrdigaan mages.  Those with Aureant powers (see Sorcery Specialisms for more details) and those with weak natural crystal bonds can also be implanted.  In rare cases, adolescents and adults receive implants, but the older the person, the riskier the procedure.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan