The Mask of Martius


The death mask of the Varathusian Warrior God Martius is an artefact of power dating back to the earliest times of the Carpathian Movement.  (See Carpathian Movement for more details)  It was widely believed to be only a myth until an archaeologist discovered it and delivered it into the hands of Sean Donovan, a distant relative of the founders of the Donovan Institute.  (See Donovan Institute for more details)

Martius was born an ordinary mortal, a Carpathian by the name of Lord Marco Entrevi. Due to his heroics in protecting Varathusia from many enemies, the other Gods granted him ascension to Godhood at the time of his passing. His tactical and fighting skills were superb and he passed on his knowledge to many others. Varathusia would not be the flourishing planet of today without that knowledge and skill.

Made from obsidian with eyes of Elediyaan crystal, the mask contains vestiges of its creator's life essence, often referred to as straan.  It can only be worn by direct descendants of Martius's bloodline.  It endows arcane powers upon its wearer and it bonds with their genetic material. It has no fastening straps.  Instead, it adheres to the wearer's face like a second skin.  The jaw of the mask is hinged and works in unison with the wearer's jaw.  Its mouth contains needle-sharp teeth made from the same obsidian as the rest of the mask.

The wearer has to learn how to control the mask and direct its energies.  As with many artefacts of power, there is the danger that the wearer might become addicted to it.  Thus rigid self-discipline is required.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan