Carpathian Movement


The Carpathian Movement (also known as the Carpathian Way) was founded by the Cesario family millennia ago.  Through cunning and diligence, they gathered power and established a set of rules which formed the basis for the Carpathian Way.  As with all large families, schisms occurred and different offshoot families were formed.

These offshoot families prospered and multiplied, becoming the earliest incarnation of the movement.  The ten families with the greatest power and influence established themselves as the Inner Circle.  The rest became known as the Echelons, decreasing in power from the First to Tenth Echelons.  Over time, other families outside the Echelons adopted Carpathian principles but they remain obscure and lack the influence of the more well-known names.

In those early days, the ordinary Varathusian citizens (known as the Varahs), used the term Carpathian in a derogatory sense.  It was derived from the ancient Genaiic word Caarpai, meaning to grab or seize.  In their typical arrogant style, the Carpathians took the insult and adopted it as a badge of pride, thus giving a more memorable name to their organisation, replacing the rather insipid nomenclature of “The Movement” or “The Way”.

Over the centuries, the original Cesario family attracted the attention of many enemies.  Thus they took the decision to go into hiding in order to preserve their bloodline.  Many family members faked their own deaths and changed their names.  They led the entire population of Varathusia to believe the Cesario name had died out.  It was only when the last few scions of that ancient bloodline emerged from exile that the family name was restored and they rose to prominence again.

Although widely regarded as a criminal organisation, the Carpathians operate many legitimate businesses and also make generous donations to charity.  It is a matter of honour for the wealthier families to pay for hostels and other facilities to help the poor.  They also employ Varahs in their households and in some rare cases, a Varah family might be elevated to the status of Carpathian as a reward for loyal service.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan