Sacred Sites


The Sacred Sites or Sacred Places are more than the name suggests.  While some of them are indeed places of worship and pilgrimage, all of them have a special distinction.  They are a safeguard against attacks or invasions to the Fenian Galaxy.  They were created by the Fenian deities and Ascended Masters.  Whole planets can be reconstructed using a single atom from a Sacred Site.  Obviously specialised sorcery is required in the reconstruction procedure and the method is known only to the deities themselves, a few Ascended Masters and Master Sorcerers, passed on to trusted successors by decree of the deities.
Some of the sites remain in their natural state whereas others have been adapted or built upon.
The following is a list of the known Sacred Sites:
  • Vernon's Volcano on Viria
  • Emporium Babaloney on Viria
  • Vyrdsphere (able to move but usually in orbit around Malvania and is considered an extension of Malvanian territories)
  • Dermanshiel Enclave on Malvania
  • Donovan Institute on Malvania
  • Horeb Desert on Sartoria
  • Miscellanium on Varathusia
Although not regarded as one of the official Sacred Sites, the former Argili Estate (a Carpathian stronghold) on Varathusia was granted Sacred Site status due to the machinations of Lord Claudio Scalani.

In a similar way the Geheimsvaak swampwoods of Malvania have become known as Sacred Sites, due to the intervention of the High Council of Chronomages following a series of attacks by enemies of the Geheimsvaak.  The Chronomages have used advanced Chronomancy techniques to take the swampwoods out of static time and place them in a fluid time dimension, in order to protect them from further attacks and to preserve their unique ecology and culture.

Other places may at some point in the future be granted Sacred Site status.  When that happens, this entry will be updated to include the newer sites.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan