
A symbiotic creature, also known as a crystal serpent. Very rare. It forms bonds with Menshan (human) hosts, endowing them with enhanced strength and agility. The host has to "let the serpent out", ie, allow it to take over, at intervals. With practice, the host can control when the serpent takes over. The shift isn't the same as a regular shapeshifting because of the shared consciousness and genetic material. The host actually becomes the serpent during the change, whereas in a regular shift, the host merely rearranges their pattern to resemble another person, creature or object. Sheraleen Conder in "Mind Games", Sean Donovan in "The Sunshine Acolyte" and Justeen Shanahan (later Halloran) in "Malachi's Law" all have these symbionts.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan