
My characters aren't always perfectly behaved.  In fact, several of them end up in prison.  Here are the most famous prisons in my fictional universe:


Located on Pale Island, far to the North of Viria, this is a maximum security installation where the most violent offenders are sent.  In "Malachi's Law", Malachi Shanahan is serving a life sentence at Wolftown.

In real life, I visited Alcatraz.  I found it fascinating and that visit provided the inspiration for Wolftown, with it being on an island.


One of the most notorious Varathusian prisons, located on the outskirts of the city of Mynarth.  Again, it's a maximum security installation.  In "The Window Man", Lyle Menehari pays a visit to Mynarth.  Also in "Chimera Obscura", Andreas Castiglioni serves a five-year sentence there.  Grim brutalist architecture sets the mood.  Draconian punishments are frequently meted out by guards and inmates alike.


The Varicharenzo region of Mondias is home to many prisons, often known as "corrective schools" or "gulags".  Under the strict Mondian rule, there are all too many ways of ending up in one of these establishments.

I took my inspiration from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" and "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", which I read at school and loved.


A grim Malvanian prison, shrouded in mystery.  Political prisoners and dissenters make up most of the inmates.  It's not as strict as some of the other prisons, but most people who get sent there never return.  In "The Halloriyaan", an uncle of Remyn Saavut ends up there as a punishment for his radical ideas.


  1. Fascinating stuff, Xanxa! Love learning all the little things you post about your world.

    1. Thanks! That's the aim of this blog, to provide extra background details for anyone who wants to find out more.

  2. Very cool. Will have to keep reading to find out what Malachi did to end up in prison...

    1. "Malachi's Law" tells that story. You only know him as the boy who loves fishing and is very protective towards his sisters. The adult version of him is very different, as you'll find out.


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