Cloak of Darkness


The black mystical cloak which endows the ability to fly.  It is not an object of evil, despite the name.  To make your cloak for the first time, one has to have faith and think of something positive and life-affirming, or a loved-one whose support upliftt.  Once the cloak has been made the first time, it is easy to summon it again.  It is not an actual garment, it is part of the person, extending along the base of the neck to the shoulders.  It grows when summoned and retracts when banished.

Its name comes from the fact that most people can only use their cloaks to fly during the hours of darkness.  A few extremely powerful sorcerers can fly during daylight hours.

Flying should not be confused with levitation.  Levitation is simply the ability to lift objects or people off the ground and hover them there for a short time.  It can only be done by sorcerers, whereas any citizen born within the Fenian Galaxy can learn to fly.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan