Whisper Jar

The Whisper Jar

A whisper jar is a glass mage-sphere specially created for the purpose of recording information for posterity.  This can be done by holding the jar and either speaking aloud or projecting telepathically into it.  All manner of information can be stored in this way, whether it be historical events, scientific research or stories for children.

The whisper jars were invented by the Geheimsvaak who dwell in the swamps and forests of the wilder parts of Malvania.  Their name means "secret people" and they live up to this reputation, avoiding contact with other Malvanians.

Whisper jars are stored in huge underground repositories, maintained by devoted archivists who take a vow of silence.  Like in a library, the jars can be borrowed by ordinary citizens.

Much of the lore on the Geheimsvaak appears in my novel "Probyt's Progress".


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan