Fenian Twins

TWINS! Introducing readers to the various sets of twins featured in my novels.

Emlyn Hawkins

Lord Claudio Scalani

Emlyn and Claude - Probably the oldest set of twins. The only survivors from Atlantis after it was destroyed. Both powerful sorcerers. Emlyn is a healer and alchemist, while Claude has interests in law, statesmanship/politics, history and architecture as well as the sorcerer's arts.
Aravind (Ari) Halloran


Nyraldin (Nye) Halloran

Ari and Nye - Twin sons of Justeen and Joey Halloran. Red-haired, tall and broad like their father. Identical except for eye colour. Ari has red eyes and Nye has green eyes. Ari is a fire-mage and Nye is a blood-mage. Both love practical jokes and have a vicious sense of humour. Ari is married to Julia, a former prostitute, and Nye is married to Remyn, who was originally his fencing partner.

Andrew (Andy) Branagh

Arthur (Arty) Branagh
Andy and Arty - Twin sons of Angharad and Pherick Branagh. Andy is the more intellectual of the two, and also a bit of a complainer. Arty is more easy-going and prefers physical pursuits.

 Lords Efrem and Ezrem Vyzharan

Efrem and Ezrem - Twin sons of Lord Yunus Vyzharan, a powerful Varagan Lord who owns furniture and textiles businesses. They work as security guards at his main warehouse. Both are experts in martial arts and weaponry, as well as learning business management from their father.

Anselmi and Aklyzyt Helvellyan
Anselmi and Aklyzyt - Twin Malvanian sorcerers and Chronomages.  They are also members of the Vyrdigaan Order, charged with maintaining the delicate balance of power within the Fenian Galaxy.

Lubenkha and Garinkha Rokortina

Lubenkha and Garinkha - Twin Mondian computer experts.  They carry out building, programming and maintenance of computer systems for the Cyad Confederacy.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan