Carpathian Documentation

Although computers are widely used throughout Varathusia, Carpathians still like using parchment scrolls for certain purposes.  Listed here are the main ones.

CARTABEYRA: Statement of demotion issued to a Carpathian family.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound by a grey ribbon.

CARTAGRILIA: Statement issued on completion of a yrrq.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll, sealed with wax and bound by a red ribbon.

CARTAJUNTA: Statement of alliance, often via marriage.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound by a pink and purple ribbon.

CARTALEVA: Statement of promotion issued to a Carpathian family.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound by a green ribbon.

CARTAMORTA: Similar to a Will.  Statement prepared by most Carpathians to be issued to their closest relatives on the occasion of their death.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound by a pale blue ribbon.

CARTANAESCIA: Statement issued by a Carpathian family on the occasion of a new birth.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound with a white ribbon.

CARTANETHI: Statement of severance and/or disinheritance, issued when a Carpathian family member dishonours the family or decides to leave the Carpathian Way.  Usually in the form of a parchment scroll bound by a black ribbon.

In addition, some business contracts are produced on parchment and signed with traditional wet-ink signatures.  Electronic signatures have the same authority, binding all parties to the terms contained in the contract.  However, the elegance of a calligraphic scroll cannot be denied, thus their use for ceremonial and official purposes continues.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan