The Fenimeldiyaan: Displaced Time - Chapter 11

“Look out!” Ewan warned.  “Something’s happening!”

The others ceased their conversations and stared at the sparkling mist forming in the room, apparently coming from nowhere.  It solidified into three distinct figures, each clad in robes made from the same sparkling mist.

One of the robed figures stepped forward and spoke.  “The High Council of Chronomages has made a decision regarding Morgan Shadowbinder.  He will be taken to the Donovan Institute on Malvania for reconditioning and balancing.  The Elders be satisfied that none of you had anything to do with his actions and therefore you will be returned to your correct place and time”.

Daren stood and gave what he hoped was a respectful bow.  “I’m probably speaking out of turn, but I request that I be taken to the Donovan Institute as well.  My wife is there, along with her sister, who’s being treated in the infirmary.  I promise that when my sister in law is well enough, we’ll go home”.

The three Chronomage Elders huddled together for a few agonising minutes, debating the matter telepathically.  Daren shifted from one foot to the other, feeling an unpleasant prickling sensation up and down his spine.  He hoped that his request had been worded in a sufficiently respectful tone, but in this unfamiliar environment with its unfathomable cultural differences, nothing was guaranteed.

The woman who had previously spoken approached Daren.  “Daren Lightshield, we have confirmed that your wife, your sister in law and her husband indeed be staying at the Donovan Institute.  We therefore agree that you may join them.  Take my hand”.

Trembling, Daren reached out.  Taking the Chronomage’s misty insubstantial hand proved to be more difficult than he had expected.  His fingers passed through it on the first attempt, so he clutched at her sleeve instead.  To his astonishment, his hand took on the same misty appearance as the woman’s robe, soon followed by the rest of him.  After a moment or two, the mist expanded until he could see nothing else.

Another Chronomage addressed the Andrics.  “Ewan and Rachel Andric, we be aware of your situation relating to the Story.  Tis a heavy burden to bear, but you cannot hide from your responsibilities forever.  However, we Chronomage Elders can bring a little influence to bear.  Choose a realm from the Story, a place and time which have good memories for you.  We will freeze time for a week so that you may have some respite from your duties.  I’ll give you a few minutes to decide where you wish to go”.

The third Chronomage spoke to River and Apollo.  “Queen River Meer, you too will return to your studies at the Donovan Institute and your duties as monarch of Corttann.  Apollo Lightbringer, you may spend some time with Morgan Shadowbinder and if you wish, accompany him to the Donovan Institute.  The Elders believe that your presence has a steadying effect on him and may help to rebalance his energies”.


Sensing an imminent translocation, Morgan dabbed at his eyes.  The last thing he wanted was one of those Chronomage Elders to see him crying.

When he looked up and saw who was standing there, he doubted the evidence of his own eyes, wondering if it was some sort of test set by the Chronomages.  “Apollo?  Is that really you?”

“Of course”.  Apollo smiled and nodded.  “Who else would it be?”

Morgan’s face reddened.  “I thought I might be dreaming.  Or it might be an illusion sent to torment me.  I can’t be sure of anything right now”.

“Yes, you can” Apollo asserted.  “You can be sure of me.  I’ll never let you down.  Anyway, I have good news.  You’ve been exonerated from any wrongdoing and we’re going to the Donovan Institute.  You’ll have to stay there for a while, but you won’t mind that, will you?”

“Not at all”.  Morgan managed a smile.  “Did Andreas arrange it?”

“I believe so” Apollo replied.  “Someone will be coming to take us over there soon.  From what I understand, it’s going to be quite a reunion.  Elsa and Gerald are there, along with Elaine and Daren.  Andreas has to go off on an urgent mission but he’ll join us later”.

Morgan laughed.  “When doesn’t he?  He seems to spend his life going off on urgent missions.  It’s a wonder that he and Anwyn manage any time together at all”.


Celeste paced up and down the platform, pretending to be waiting for the next subway train.  Gastinye Station had been chosen for the rendezvous point because it was one of the busiest stations on the line and no-one would notice him and his colleagues in amongst all the other passengers.

He tensed, feeling the familiar tingle of a translocation.  Taking his cellphone from his pocket, he checked for text messages, disappointed to see that there were no new ones.  The last coded message from Selonicus had instructed him to wait at Gastinye Station until a resistance member from one of the sleeper cells made contact.

“The next train to Ruzenplaas has been cancelled, pilgrim” a voice spoke in Carpathian, startling Celeste.  He had not noticed the two priests approaching but he tried to act as though he had been expecting them.  After all, the shorter of the two had spoken the correct code, although the use of Carpathian instead of the People’s Language had come as a surprise.  The word “pilgrim” had been tacked on the end, no doubt due to some eccentricity on the part of the little priest.

Celeste made a fake grimace.  “Too bad.  I suppose we’ll have to go to Grindenfelz instead”.

The short priest chuckled.  “We’ve laid on alternative transport for ye, pilgrim.  Take me hand and we can be there in an instant”.

Before he had a chance to object or run away, the short priest had grabbed his arm.  The tall priest took hold of his other arm.

Celeste’s stomach gave a sickening lurch and the crowded platform melted away, replaced by white crystalline walls which hurt his eyes when he looked at them.

The tall priest pulled his hood down.  His piercing green eyes bored into Celeste.  However, the man gave a friendly smile.  “Fear not.  We know you, Lord Celeste Entrevi”.

It was Celeste’s turn to laugh.  “Ye be mistaken, Fhadre.  I ain’t no Carpathian Lord.  I be Par-Varah all the way.  Me name be Celeste Fiori”.

“Not so, pilgrim”.  The short priest also showed his face.  “We be related via the Entrevi line.  Lord Andreas Cesario at yer service.  No doubt ye can see the family resemblance”.

Celeste stared at the little man, seeing what could easily have been an older version of himself, with a sweeping moustache and a long tail of hair tied back with a piece of old bandage.  “Supposing I believe ye, what d’ye want with me?”

“We’ve recruited ye for a special mission” Andreas explained.  “Since ye’ve already had dealings with Veerna Vold, we thought ye’d be the best man for the job.  She needs to be captured and returned to Voldinia.  Ye with me?”

“But me boss said to let her go” Celeste protested.  “Besides, I should be meeting up with some resistance members.  If I ain’t at the station when they arrive, I’ll be in all sorts of trouble.  They’ll think I’ve gone over to the Cyad or something”.

The tall priest smiled and patted him on the shoulder.  “Tis all taken care of, young man.  I shall be meeting with Selonicus Linderies shortly.  I feel sure that he would prefer the troublesome Veerna Vold to be removed from the equation.  Go with Andreas”.


Selonicus flopped down on a packing crate, exhausted from the effort of translocating vehicles, weapons, ammunitions and other important supplies to the new base.  He sighed and swiped his hand across his face, wishing that he had never met Veerna Vold.

“A moment of your time, if you will, Selonicus” a voice spoke, interrupting his thoughts.

Selonicus leaped to his feet in an instant.  “Judaas Fendor, tis an honour to meet you”.  He bowed low before the Vyrdigaan Elder, a mixture of fear and excitement welling within him.

“Indeed” Judaas acknowledged.  “Though we have met in previous lifetimes, tis the first in this one.  And the honour be mine, for we of the Vyrdigaan Order owe you much gratitude.  The work you do here with the resistance movement be dangerous and difficult.  You could easily have stayed in the Elzhin Enclave and continued your work as a healer”.

Selonicus gave a bitter humourless laugh.  “My healing skills be in great demand here.  So many casualties of war.  I can’t save them all, but I do my best.  Anyway, you didn’t come here to talk about healing.  How may I serve you?”

“I too favour the direct approach” Judaas replied.  “Very well, then.  You can start by telling me everything you know about Veerna Vold”.


Daren blinked in confusion when the fog cleared away and he was able to see. Instead of the dark, shadowy room of Yozev’s “workplace”, he was in brighter, cheerier halls. He didn’t immediately recognise the place, but he assumed that the Chronomages had taken him to the Donovan Institute. He hoped so, at any rate. It wouldn’t do to keep Elaine waiting for him.

It took him about ten minutes to find Elaine anxiously pacing the corridors. She seemed to just be walking back and forth, a ball of anxiety and fear. Although Daren walked up behind her, she didn’t notice he was there until he said, “Elaine.”

The thief swung around and her silver eyes went wide. “You — you scared me!” she said accusingly. Then understanding dawned. “Oh … oh. You’re back, you came back! Daren, you’re back!” She threw her arms around him and hugged him as hard as she could.

Daren gave her a gentle squeeze before lifting her up enough to kiss her. “I love you,” he whispered when they parted. He laid his chin on the top of her head, enjoying the embrace.

Finally, Elaine looked up at him and poked him in the stomach. “Don’t ever do something like that to me again,” she said. “Alright?”

Daren laughed and hugged her again. “Alright,” he said. “Trust me, getting trapped in a time-lock wasn’t exactly my idea of a fun time either,” he said. “I’m glad to be back with you again.”

“And Morgan?”

“They’ll be bringing him here shortly, with Apollo,” Daren promised.

Elaine gave a small squeal of happiness and wrapped her arms around him again. “Thank God!” she said. “Now maybe we can have some relaxation around here.”

“With us?” Daren said, laughing. “Doubtful. But you never know.” And he kissed her again.


River was back in her room at the Donovan Institute, surrounded by her books. It was odd to think that she’d been saved from death, sent to the past, kidnapped by slavers, kidnapped from the slavers by a man who’d wanted to use her, and lost her faith in the man she’d believed she could trust. The girl sat down on her bed, dragging her brown curls over her shoulder. She wanted to see him, for him to hug her and tell her everything would be alright.

The girl brushed the tears from her cheeks. He would be back. Then she could apologise for the doubts, the fear … everything. She sniffled, rubbing at her eyes before she laid down. She’d wait there for him, he’d be there soon …

She fell asleep.


Morgan found himself staring at Apollo again. “I can’t believe he did it,” he said at last. “And … and he doesn’t blame me?”

“Morgan,” Apollo said quietly. “It’s not your fault. When Jezebel and Set died, their powers were sent to you. It’s no wonder your immobilising spell stopped Yozev’s heart. He was a weak, sick old man, and your spell was more powerful than you anticipated. It was a mistake. Andreas knows that everyone makes them.”

“I feel like I make more than anybody else,” Morgan mumbled, sitting down hard again.

Apollo sat down next to him. “You do not,” he insisted. “I’ve made my own fair share of mistakes. For instance, I got myself sold into slavery.”

“That’s pretty bad,” Morgan agreed, and laughed.

Apollo elbowed him. “See?” he said. “Nobody’s perfect. Not even you, cousin.”

Morgan shrugged. “I guess you’re right.” He hesitated, then looked at Apollo. “Do you know when we’re getting out of here? I’m hungry.”


Apparently, Veerna had severely underestimated the number of Cyad investigators in the city. One of them had her wrist in a vice grip and her new weapon in his other hand. He forced her against a wall, slamming a steel cuff around her wrist and digging it into the wall. “Traitor,” he snarled.

Veerna struggled, but he managed to force her other wrist against the wall and restrained that one as well. “I was never on your side in the first place, now let me go!” she said.

“Where be they hidden?” the man demanded. “Where be the rebels?”

Veerna parted her lips in a savage smile. “Even if you get me to tell you, they’ll be gone by then,” she said. “As I planned.”

“You planned to betray from the beginning?” the Cyad soldier demanded.

“You stuck an explosive chip in my neck and threatened to kill me and anyone around me if I didn’t,” Veerna said. “Of course I planned to betray you, once I got that chip out of me.” She raised her eyebrows at him. “Did you really think I’d just be like some kind of an obedient puppy or something?”

The man jabbed her with the shock staff, and Veerna screamed. It was agony, reminding her too deeply of the torture they’d put her through back at the compound, right after they’d inserted the chip into her. “I have permission to kill you,” the man whispered to her, holding the staff against her skin. “Do you really want me to? Just tell me where the rebels’ base be.”

Veerna kicked him in the side and he staggered back, the electricity separated for a brief moment. “Go ahead, then!” she yelled. “Kill me. What do I care? You’ll never get it out of me!”

The man jabbed her in the gut with it, and she doubled over, held up only by her wrists, locked into place against the wall.


Rachel exchanged a look with Ewan before she slipped her hand into his again. “I think we both know,” she said, turning to the Chronomage. Her face was practically glowing. “Nottingham. Robin Hood’s Story.”

“One whole week with you,” Ewan said, squeezing her hand. “I never thought I’d even get a day with you. Thank you,” he added to the Chronomage. Then, looking slightly pained, he added, “And thank Andreas Cesario for me as well.”

Rachel laughed and hugged her brother. “See?” she said. “Did it really kill you?”

He poked her side. “Don’t expect it again,” he answered before turning to the Chronomage. Rachel bowed, and Ewan followed suit. “We’re ready to go home.”


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan