The Fenimeldiyaan: Displaced Time - Chapter 12

The sound of loud knocking on the door woke River.  She leaped off the bed and ran to open the door, hoping that it would be Andreas.  Rita Micario stood there, dressed in expensive-looking lilac silk pyjamas and a matching robe tied with a sash. “I heard ye were back.  I missed ye.  Can I come in?”

River smiled and nodded.  Rita bounded into the room and sat on the bed, babbling away about recent events at the Donovan Institute, interspersed with the odd complaint about lessons and teachers.  River listened, giving the occasional nod or laugh where appropriate. 

Rita came to an abrupt halt and stared at River for a moment or two, as if pondering how to continue.  “Lady Anwyn said I shouldn’t pester ye for details, but I be all eaten up with curiosity.  What happened to ye?  First I thought ye’d been called back to Corttann but no-one knew where ye’d gone”.

“It’s a long story” River projected, reaching for her book and pen.

“I don’t mind” Rita replied aloud.  “Twill make a refreshing change from writing crystal theory essays for Uncle Rem and deciphering Uncle Cara’s multi-layered codes and equations”.

River had not gotten very far in writing down her adventures when she sensed an imminent translocation.  “Andreas!” she projected, recognising the familiar energy signature.

The little Spy Master materialised in the middle of the room, dressed in black priestly robes.  He bowed to the two girls and gave them one of his trademark broad grins.  “Sorry I didn’t come any sooner.  Unavoidably detained while dealing with the Chronomage Elders”.  He rolled his eyes and made an exaggerated grimace.

River got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around him, projecting profuse apologies for ever doubting him.  He held her and stroked her hair, sending out reassuring emanations.  “Don’t ye worry about anything, me dear.  Tis perfectly understandable.  Men like Doctor Kandlin can be most persuasive.  He used elements of the truth woven in with his web of lies and deceptions.  He’ll be brought to justice and made to pay for the misery he’s caused”.

“Who’s Doctor Kandlin?” Rita demanded.

“Tis River’s story to tell” Andreas answered.  “I’ll leave ye to yer catching up.  I have a Voldinian to rescue and take back to her homeland.  When I get back, we’ll go for a meal at Orixas or wherever ye want”.

He gave River’s hair a final stroke before translocating away.


“You’re always hungry” Apollo remarked, laughing.  “I’m sure there’s somewhere to get food around here”.

As if in response, Remyn Saavut appeared.  “Contrary to popular belief, we don’t starve people here at the Don.  Malvanian food be on the unimaginative side, but twill certainly fill your bellies.  Come with me”.

During his previous stay, Morgan recalled that someone had brought food to him.  His stomach rumbled in anticipation as he and Apollo followed the tall healer along the dark grey stone corridors.

He could smell the food before they arrived at the dining hall.  He dashed over to the serving counter and got in line behind several chattering students.  Apollo proceeded at a more sedate pace.  Remyn translocated back to the infirmary.

“Looks like beef stew” Morgan commented, gesturing towards a huge vat containing meat and vegetables in a thick sauce.  “Smells like it too”.

“Hargil stew” the serving woman corrected, dishing out a generous helping into a bowl and handing it over to Morgan.


Three black-robed priests materialised in the cell, startling Veerna and her captors.  The man who had jabbed Veerna in the stomach with his baton doubled over in agony.  The pain which he had inflicted on her had rebounded on him.  The other guard remained where he stood, not daring to intervene.

“A word with the prisoner, if I may” the taller priest stated.  It was a demand, not a request, made clear by the crackle of energy emanating from his crystal bonds and the menacing glare of his piercing green eyes from beneath the hood of his robes.

He waved a hand and both guards froze in place.  Veerna giggled at the sight of the one who was still bent over, his mouth twisted in an agonised snarl.

One of the smaller priests used a banishing spell to remove Veerna’s shackles.  “So we meet at last, Veerna Vold.  Ye’ve made quite a reputation for yerself, what with all yer acts of space piracy, escaping from secure institutions and lately going on sabotage missions with the Symanic Alliance”.

The other short priest stepped forward and pulled back his hood.  “Good to see ye again, Veerna”.

“Les!” Veerna gasped.  Her species did not blush, but she felt her face growing warm all the same.  “How did you get here and who are your friends?”

Celeste grinned.  “I’ve got ways and means.  Couldn’t leave ye to the not-so-tender mercies of the Cyad, could I?”

The small priest who had removed the shackles revealed his face and bowed to Veerna.  “Lord Andreas Cesario of the Inner Circle Alliance at yer service”.

Finally, the tall priest pulled back his hood and inclined his head.  “Judaas Fendor of the Vyrdigaan Order.  We have come to return you to your correct place and time”.


River curled her legs up underneath her, looking at Rita. She’d finished writing her story and was waiting for her friend to finish reading it. It was a comfortable silence between them, and River found herself just enjoying being back home safely. Home … it was a good word. A beautiful word. Home, where people cared about her and loved her. Her eyes remained on Rita’s face as the Carpathian girl continued reading the scribbled story.

Finally, Rita finished, and looked up at River. “That be quite the tale,” she said, with a hint of tentativeness that was quite unlike her. “And he were going to force ye to kill somebody?”

River nodded, covering her mouth, tears trying to escape. “I believed him,” she projected to Rita before breaking down. “I believed his lies.”

Rita enveloped her friend in a hug, and started rocking the younger girl, trying to soothe her. Eventually, River fell asleep, in the arms of her friend.


Morgan and Apollo found themselves a table alone, with their bowls of stew. Morgan immediately started eating it, the whole bowl gone in a matter of moment. By the time he’d gone to get another bowl, Apollo had barely started eating his own bowl. That didn’t overly bother Morgan, since it was the usual way for them.

Finally, after a long pause, Morgan picked up his glass and raised it to Apollo. “To us,” he said. “Back together again. It’s nice, isn’t it? Being here, with nobody trying to kill us. You know, I think people hate us because of our blood.”

“That may have something to do with it,” Apollo agreed serenely. He stirred his stew idly before eating it. “It’s good to be safe, Morgan. I—I thought that maybe …” His voice trailed off briefly before hardening. “I thought that they were going to keep you away, permanently.”

“I’m sorry.” Morgan looked down, ashamed. “I shouldn’t have killed Doctor Kandlin. I didn’t mean to, honest. I just thought — Andreas told us that he would purposely infect people with incurable diseases. I thought that he had done it to you and I just lost control. I lost it earlier, too. When I felt you and River, my powers just kind of blew up.”

“I think it has something to do with Jezebel’s and Set’s deaths,” Apollo said. “Neither had children, so their abilities had to go to someone. And that someone was you and — you know — Dante. It increased your power, therefore making it harder to control. That was most likely why you lost control when you tried to immobilise Kandlin.”

“Do you really think so?” Morgan said, hopefully.

“I know so.” Apollo clinked his glass against Morgan’s with a grin. “Don’t I know you best? You’re my cousin and brother.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Morgan said, and they finished their meal in easy silence.


Veerna raised her eyebrows at Celeste. “You’ve found weird company, Les,” she told him. “Weird, but high-up. The Vyrdigaan Order? The Inner Circle? I’m impressed. You’ve moved up quickly.”

Celeste blushed at her words. “I, ah, found them. Or rather, they found me. They be coming to take ye home, Veerna.”

Veerna shrugged, rubbing her tender stomach with a dark expression. “Couldn’t have done it before the Cyad took me prisoner and tortured me? Before they stuck a chip in my neck? Let me tell you, Andy, Judy, that I have no interest in accepting your help if you only give it when it suits you the best.” Veerna turned and started to walk away.

Celeste grabbed her arm. “They want to take ye home, Veerna,” he said gently. “Why don’t ye let them?”

“Oh, don’t you pretend that you care anything about me!” Veerna snapped, jerking her arm from his grasp. “I’m just a problem for you to eliminate.”

“Please, let them take ye back home!” Celeste said. “Ye and me … we may not be — ye know. But ye must have someone at home.”

Veerna, against her will, smiled slightly. “Yes. Perhaps.” She looked at Andreas. “Oh, fine. Take me back, Andy. I’m ready to go home.”


Rita stayed the night in River’s quarters, watching over her friend, knowing she needed the rest and not wishing to move in case River awoke.  She knew that she would be tired and inattentive at her lessons, but her friendship with River took priority over a few disgruntled teachers.

River had still not awoken by the time Rita’s first lesson was due to start.  Glancing at the door, Rita weighed her options.  Getting into trouble was nothing new for her and at least this time it would be in a good cause.  She stayed on the bed, cradling the sleeping River in her arms.

A crackle in her crystal bond warned of an imminent translocation.  Anwyn’s energy signature filled the room a moment before she materialised.

Rita gasped.  “I be sorry, Lady Anwyn.  I know I be late for our politics lesson, but River needs me”.

Instead of the scolding which Rita had been expecting, Anwyn smiled.  “Aye, I know.  And ye need to catch up on yer sleep.  Ye be excused from lessons until the afternoon, then I’ve got a mission for ye.  A lesson in people management and political manoeuvring.  I think ye’ll enjoy it but ye need to be fully rested and focused.  Don’t worry about setting an alarm.  I’ll call for ye when we be ready to go”.

Unable to conceal her astonishment, Rita bowed her head and thanked Anwyn.  It did not take long for her to fall asleep once the intimidating Matriarch left.


Andreas chuckled and stroked his moustache.  “Ye didn’t take long to give in, Veerna.  What happened to yer legendary defiance?  Did Lord Celeste here melt yer icy heart?”

“Lord Celeste?” she queried in a mocking tone.  “I thought he was a mere street urchin.  Did you promote him?”

Andreas shook his head.  “He were born a Lord, like meself.  Lord Celeste Entrevi, to give him his full title.  Neat little trick on behalf of the Entrevi family.  Hiding family members in amongst the Par-Varahs to keep ‘em safe and guarantee the continuance of the Entrevi bloodline.  Ye may not care, but Les, as ye prefer to call him, be a saviour and a hero.  I don’t only mean for his involvement in undermining the Cyad, though that be heroic enough.  I mean as a survivor of the line of Lord Marco Entrevi and a carrier of a rare source of power”.

He paused, knowing his words would mean nothing to her.  “As for us only helping people when it be convenient, the same could be said of yerself.  Don’t tell me ye helped the revolutionaries outa the goodness of yer heart.  Ye were playing them against the Cyad, keeping yer options open.  Besides, we only learned of yer presence here on Mondias thanks to Gerald Hunt.  Remember him?”

Veerna’s top lip curled in distaste at the thought of the irritating man from Vordelle.  “How could I forget?  He obviously takes priority for your Alliance, since you rescued him first”.

“You’re not helping yourself, Veerna” Judaas admonished.  “Tis easy to see how you manage to get yourself into trouble everywhere you go.  Now, let me take a look at that implant in your neck”.

Giving him a disdainful pout, she pulled her tunic down, exposing the area of her neck where the implant had been inserted.  The touch of his fingertips sent a shiver through her. 

“I’ll need to deactivate it before I can remove it” he stated.  “Otherwise it would explode inside you.  Typical of Cyad technology.  Designed to turn on its carrier.  Their Command Grid, which they hook their own people up to, functions along similar lines.  Any hint of disobedience, or any attempt to tamper with the cybernetic interface and … BOOM!”

“I’d already figured that out, genius” she retorted.  “Or else I’d have used my shapeshifting skills, opened up a cavity around it and pulled it out myself”.

Judaas gave a sly smile and incanted a silencing spell.  “Tis fortunate for us that she has a mute button” he quipped.

Celeste giggled.  “I always enjoyed her chatter.  Even the fake flattery and flirting.  Twas most entertaining”.  He winked at her.  “Especially that time I got her drunk on me home-made wine”.

Veerna tried to spit out a venomous curse but nothing came out.  Instead, she contented herself by poking her tongue out at Celeste.

A second later, she shuddered, collapsing into Judaas’s arms, her head lolling awkwardly against his chest.  “Almost done” he murmured.  “Neutralised and …”.  He opened one hand, displaying the tiny metallic device on his palm.  “Translocated safely out of you.  Far more efficient than surgery.  No wound and no sutures required.  If I give you your voice back, will you promise to refrain from verbal abuse for at least five minutes?”

“Ah, she loves me too much for that”.  Celeste grinned.  “Bet she enjoys trading insults with her beloved back home too”.

Veerna’s face and neck grew warm but she fought to maintain a neutral expression.

“Then let’s not detain her any longer” Judaas pronounced.  “Voldinia and Doctor Collego await, my dear.  Take my hand and you will soon be reunited with the true object of your affections.  I feel sure he must have missed hearing your dulcet tones whispering sweet nothings to him in his consulting room”.

Curling her lips in an angry snarl, she held out her hand.


Noticing Anwyn’s smart charcoal-grey trouser suit, Rita asked “Ye be taking me to a business meeting, me Lady?”

“A special mission”.  Anwyn gave the merest hint of a smile.  “Negotiating an alliance with an old enemy of the Inner Circle.  Ye’ve heard of the disgraced Auguiste family?”

Rita nodded.  “Uncle Claude said they’d been living on Yttria in exile since their expulsion”.

“Aye, and growing rich on the slave trade over there” Anwyn affirmed.  “Tis about time we stopped all that.  Let’s make their Patriarch an offer he can’t refuse, eh?”


Lord Ambrogino Auguiste leaped to his feet.  “I weren’t expecting ye to come back, Lady Menehari-Cesario”.  He sneaked a look at the Matriarch’s companion a rather attractive young woman in a tight-fitting silk blouse, short skirt and high heels before making a suitably humble bow.

“Clearly not”.  Anwyn spoke in a lofty tone.  “I keep me promises, Lord Ambrogino.  But I don’t need yer help with the slave-traders anymore.  Instead I bring ye a business proposal.  If ye accept the terms, twill go a long way towards restoring the reputation of yer family.  Let’s sit and discuss it”.

Rita handed him a printed out version of the contract while Anwyn sent the computerised copy to his tablet computer.

They waited in silence while Ambrogino read through the contract.  It had been drafted in typical long-winded Inner Circle tradition and included many intricate clauses with ambiguous interpretations.

Over half an hour later, he finished reading.  His handsome features creased up in confusion.  “Ye be offering me trading rights with all these high-ranking First Echelon and Inner Circle families if I promise to stop dealing in the slave trade?  Surely there must be more to it than that.  What else ye be expecting from me?”

Anwyn gave him a penetrating look.  “These be legitimate business contacts and deserve to be treated as such.  Ye be a Patriarch in name but ye need to behave like one.  No more hiding away in mediocre safe houses.  Live like the Lord ye truly be.  Buy a mansion, hire a full complement of staff and run yer businesses in a professional manner.  Set an example for yer employees.  Reward loyalty and hard work.  I guarantee ye won’t miss yer old business contacts.  Ye’ll be leaving them far behind”.

“Then I accept”.  Ambrogino raised his right hand and traced a circle with his index finger.  “Carpathian honour”.


The young waitress smiled at Morgan as she deposited a third bowl of dessert in front of him.

“Didn’t they feed you at the Donovan Institute?” Elsa teased.  “Or have you been taking eating lessons from those Varagans?”

Andreas chuckled.  “He needs to keep up his strength.  Being stuck in a temporal prison takes a lot out of ye”.  He dug his spoon into his favourite sticky toffee pudding.  “Same goes for those in the process of growing babies”.

“All that stuff about eating for two is nonsense” Elaine declared.  “I struggle to keep a few mouthfuls down.  Even the thought of eating an ordinary size meal puts me off at the moment”.

Anwyn gave her a sympathetic smile.  “Twill pass.  I were like that in the early stages too.  Then later on, all I did was eat and sleep.  Anyways, Rem and Loro will visit ye at regular intervals to check on yer progress.  Ye’ll do fine”.

Rita screwed up her face in disdain.  “I never want to go through that.  Twould ruin me figure”.  She patted her flat belly and gave a smug smile.

“Ye’ll change yer mind one day” Anwyn warned.  “When ye meet the right person and ye feel secure in yer life”.

“I hope that ain’t a prophecy” Rita growled.  “No, don’t tell me.  I don’t wanna know how many little brats I’ll be lumbered with”.

A ripple of laughter ran around the table.

River held up her book.  I’ll help out with babysitting” she had written.

Rita grimaced and pushed the book away. “Don’t ye start!”

The girls’ teasing antics prompted more laughter.

Andreas finished his dessert and stood.  “I suppose we’d best be getting all of ye home.  Who wants to go first?”


Veerna was slightly disoriented when she arrived on Vold — more particularly, Don’s office on Vold. It was disconcerting to find herself looking directly at him, seated behind his desk, absorbed in his work, and even more so when he looked up at her and his eyes widened in a panic. Thankfully, the awkward moment was overpowered when Don fell out of his swivel chair in surprise. “V-Veerna! You’re back!” he stammered out.

“Of course I’m back,” Veerna said with a hint of impatience. “Where do you think I’d be?”

“We — we’ve been searching for you for days!” Don protested. “You’ve been missing for that long. I was … I was worried.”

“Worried?” Veerna snorted. “Worried I’d find someone to replace you, Donny?”

Don’s mouth hung open as he sought a response to that. Veerna smirked at him. “For your information, I did find someone,” she said. “A Lord, in fact. Quite good-looking, too. Maybe at some point, I’ll take a trip back to the Fenian Galaxy to see him again.”

“W-what?” Don stared at her, picking himself up off the floor. “Don’t tease me, Veerna!”

“It’s not teasing if it’s the truth,” she answered with a wink before flouncing out the door.

The door closed just as she had the satisfaction of hearing Don protest in an annoyed way, “Veerna!”


Morgan snared another bowl of toffee pudding, taking Elaine’s from her. The young woman made a face at him, but she couldn’t even consider eating it, at the moment. Daren nudged her with his elbow cheerily, and she smiled back, though she wished that they hadn’t had to eat at that exact moment. Her stomach was in such turmoil.

Apollo elbowed his cousin. “I think you’ve eaten enough, my friend,” he said.

Morgan frowned at him. “Nonsense!” he declared. “I’ve never eaten enough. And if I’m to be separated from this toffee pudding, then I want enough of it to remember it by.”

“It only be until Elsa has her child,” Gerald pointed out.

“Which is going to be, what, a month?” Morgan answered. “That’s just too long for me.”

Elsa looked a little uncomfortable at the prospect of having the child. “I suppose we’d better be off first, then,” she said to Gerald, putting her hand on his arm. He kissed her cheek in response.

“Don’t be too long,” Gerald warned Apollo. “There’ll be a feast for us, and Morgan’ll have yer head if ye make him miss it.”

There was more laughter. “I’ll do my best,” Apollo answered, mock-seriously. “Though, the rest of the inhabitants of Zor might be indebted to me. It would mean they would actually get to eat the feast, instead of watching Morgan devour it all.”

“That is not fair!” Morgan complained, finishing his pudding.

Elsa shook her head at the cousins before turning her attention to Andreas again. “I think we’re ready to go,” she said, indicating herself and Gerald.

Andreas nodded and grinned at them. “Smooth and easy travels to ye both,” he told them.

“Translocating is never smooth or easy,” Elsa replied. “But thank you.”

The Carpathian translocated Elsa and Gerald back home before returning for the others. Elaine and Daren bid their farewells to them, Elaine hugging everyone, just because. Once the royals had been taken by home, Andreas returned for Morgan and Apollo. Prior to departing, Morgan took another toffee pudding, before bowing to Anwyn and embracing Andreas.

Serious for once in the embrace of his friend, Morgan whispered, “Thank you. I can never thank you enough for what you did for me, Andreas.”

“That be what friends be for,” Andreas answered.

“You’ve done more for us than you ever should have had to,” Apollo said, affirming his cousin’s words. “We owe you everything. But for now, it’s goodbye. I need to continue monitoring Elsa and make sure everything is well with her …”

“She be in good hands,” Andreas answered, and translocated the two of them back to Vordelle.

Andreas returned and turned to River with a smile. “Want to go back to Corttann?”

River considered the question before shaking her head. “No,” she projected to him. “Not just yet. Lizzy and Terra and the others will do a good job of taking care of Corttann in my absence. I think I just want to stay here for a while, and learn some more.”

Rita smiled widely. “Can she?” she said enthusiastically to Andreas.

“Course,” Andreas said. “It be her choice.”

River smiled her thanks. Rita jumped up, bright-eyed and excited. “Let’s go shopping, since we both be off today!” she suggested.

River turned questioningly to Andreas, who smiled and nodded. “Long as ye both be careful,” he said. “Should be alright.”

River hugged Rita quickly, and the two girls split the power for a translocation, enjoying each others’ company.


Story written by R C Fletcher and Xanxa Symanah © 2019 Symanah Publishing 


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