What's Your Poison?

A selection of fine alcoholic beverages which are popular in the Fenian Galaxy:

GRASIERI Fine, delicate Carpathian liquor, very expensive, usually only drunk by the very wealthy.


Basic ale, reasonably strong, favoured by Virians and some Varahs, sold widely in many taverns and bars throughout the universe.

Cheap liquor, often mixed with industrial cleaners, lamp oil and tar, favoured by students and poor people wishing to get drunk very quickly.

Viscous black liquor, extremely strong, favoured by the Varagans.

Bright green liquor, known to cause hallucinations, notoriously difficult to make, favoured by the Sartorians and Varagans.
FUURKZA Strong dark liquor favoured by sailors, pirates and prison guards.

Other intoxicating substances:

GANJHA, VENDARA and KHAYRU Smoking herbs which induce a euphoric high, widely used throughout the Fenian Galaxy.

OPIUM and OBLIVIUM Mood-enhancing drug available in both distillate and granulate forms of varying quality, widely used throughout the Fenian Galaxy.

TRIATINATE Strong hallucinogenic, usually in the form of granules and often mixed with sand.  Its legitimate use is for certain rituals, but it is also widely used as a recreational drug.

PRYKOP Bitter tasting leaves with a mild hallucinogenic effect.  Mostly used on Malvania for certain rituals.

HARIKI Stimulating drug with a mild hallucinogenic effect.  Usually available in the form of crystals.



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