What's Your Poison?
WHISKEY — Self-explanatory.
OLD CLOUDY — Basic ale, reasonably strong, favoured by Virians and some Varahs, sold widely in many taverns and bars throughout the universe.
SAMAARQ — Cheap liquor, often mixed with industrial cleaners, lamp oil and tar, favoured by students and poor people wishing to get drunk very quickly.
GANJHA, VENDARA and KHAYRU — Smoking herbs which induce a euphoric high, widely used throughout the Fenian Galaxy.
OPIUM and OBLIVIUM — Mood-enhancing drug available in both distillate and granulate forms of varying quality, widely used throughout the Fenian Galaxy.
TRIATINATE — Strong hallucinogenic, usually in the form of granules and often mixed with sand. Its legitimate use is for certain rituals, but it is also widely used as a recreational drug.
PRYKOP — Bitter tasting leaves with a mild hallucinogenic effect. Mostly used on Malvania for certain rituals.
HARIKI — Stimulating drug with a mild hallucinogenic effect. Usually available in the form of crystals.
Love the names. My favourite is verazhynde.