The Fenimeldiyaan: Vacation - Chapter 15

Andreas translocated Apollo to the Vyrdsphere and allowed him to go into the separate room they had placed Morgan in alone. The spark that Apollo knew to be the Trickster lingered in the corner, but Apollo was familiar enough with the Master to know he wouldn’t interrupt unless Morgan did something he’d regret. His cousin reclined in a bed, his eyes closed, his face pale.

Apollo approached him almost tentatively, trying not to think about Morgan’s actions in the desert. He must have made some sort of unintentional noise, for Morgan’s green eyes opened. The mage smiled in relief when he saw Apollo. “Thank God!” he said. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you for a while. They let you visit me?”

“I thought you could use some company,” Apollo answered.

“Thanks,” Morgan said. The cheerful look on his face went away. “Apollo, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, or Gerald, either. It’s just … my rational side went on vacation. Without the Trickster, I probably would have given up hope. I thought that nobody cared for me. That nobody would miss me.”

Impulsively, Apollo stepped forward and put his hand on Morgan’s arm without thinking. “You’re my family,” he said. “You’re all I have left. If you think that I wouldn’t miss you with all my heart, then you really were out of your mind!”

Morgan smiled again. “I must really have a handle on it now, huh?” he said. “For the first time since I got back from Thraesh … physical contact isn’t hurting me.” He nodded at Apollo’s hand meaningfully.

Apollo smiled as well, relieved beyond all words. “You’ve finally forgiven yourself?”

“I’ve seen what anger and hate does to a person, particularly when they’re directing it at themselves,” Morgan said. “Andreas’s student, Rita Micario. She’s like me. Couple that with the usual problems of being a teenager, and she’s one confused child. She killed someone because she believed she was protecting her friend.”

“Andreas will take care of her,” Apollo said.

Morgan nodded. “I know he will. He likes to take in lost people and make them better.” He settled back onto his pillows. “I have a choice, Apollo. The man who made the Lhavazii is an Ascended Master. I have a choice, whether to send him to the Beyond, as they put it, or let him be utterly destroyed by the god he aligned himself with.”

“The choice is yours,” Apollo said with a shrug. “They didn’t ask me to vote, probably because I wasn’t victimised by him.”

“I want him destroyed, where he can’t cause any more harm,” Morgan said. “But then, a part of me knows that I’ve done terrible things as well. And the Masters wouldn’t allow him to come back. But does he deserve to be completely destroyed? He helped kidnap Elsa, killed innocents, created these spirits …” He motioned to himself helplessly.

“No one will think less of you for whichever choice you make,” Apollo replied.

Morgan addressed Kvyrt in the corner. “I’ve made my choice. Let him go to the Beyond. He deserves destruction, but I won’t be the one to push him towards that.”

Apollo sat down in a seat beside Morgan’s bed. “I’m going to stay for a while,” he said. “Is that alright?”

Morgan nodded. “I’m never sending you away again … brother.”


Elsa leaned her head on Gerald’s shoulder, enjoying the smell of the fresh air and the sand around her. “I never thought I’d get out of there,” she admitted. They sat outside of their tent, enjoying each other’s company in silence for the most part.

Gerald nudged her gently. “I wouldn’t let ye down,” he said.

Elsa drew in a long, slow sigh. “It seems so peaceful, doesn’t it?” she said. “This is the life.”

“Aye, tis. Being here with ye … it be all I need.” He kissed her cheek. “This be some well-deserved down-time for the two of us.”

Elsa brushed her hair over her other shoulder. Andreas had briefly taken her aside when he’d brought them some food and told her about Gershon. “Does he deserve to be completely destroyed?” she asked Gerald. “I’ve always been against killing, but both of my options involve it. Either kill him and send him to the Beyond, or kill him and have him be destroyed, with no hope of an afterlife.”

“Seems to me that he were already dead,” Gerald said. “Killing a dead man ain’t a crime. It ain’t even possible, where we come from. I know it be a difficult choice for ye, but the man possessed Morgan with unquiet spirits and murdered innocents to keep ye locked up. He don’t deserve mercy.”

“I won’t be the one to have him destroyed,” Elsa whispered. “My oath binds me from that. Just send him into the Beyond and make sure he can’t come back. That’s what I’ll tell Andreas when he comes back.”

“Seems like a good plan,” Gerald agreed. “Anyhow, I suppose ye’re going to be wanting to go back to Vordelle, once Morgan’s all fixed up.”

Elsa gave him a conspiratorial smile. “Who said?” she asked. “I think we can stay here for a little while longer, at least. After all … I haven’t had a chance to drive yet.”


“Sulking won’t do ye any good, Ursie” a familiar and somewhat unwelcome voice spoke, disturbing Ursula from wallowing in self-pity.

“Grandma?”  Ursula leaped to her feet in alarm.  “I thought ye’d gone off travelling in another universe, now that ye be an Ascended Master and all”.

Dorrie grinned.  “Aye, I did.  But that weren’t an invitation for ye to set yerself up here and take over me academy with the help of that stupid lover of yers”.

“Sorry Grandma”.  Ursula hung her head.  “Twas all Gersh’s idea.  I never even thought of becoming a teacher until he suggested it”.

“Liar!”  Dorrie sent a spike of pain into her granddaughter’s head, causing her to stagger.  “Twas the other way around.  Although I think men be a waste of space, I can’t help feeling sorry for him.  Ye took advantage of his feelings for ye and manipulated him.  Killing our own people?  Unleashing Lhavazii?  Abducting students and off-worlders?  I be ashamed to call ye family.  And as for what ye’ve done to me island … twill take a long time to cleanse yer taint from it”.

“I won’t do it again!  I’ve learned me lesson!”  Ursula’s words sounded panicked.

“Aye, I’ll make sure ye don’t do it again” Dorrie stated, holding up an empty crystal of the type used to store power.  “As for the lesson, tis about to begin”.

“Don’t drain me!  Please, Grandma!” Ursula begged, backing away.  “Please reconsider!  I could help ye teach yer students!  I’ll do the cooking and cleaning!  Anything!”

Dorrie shook her head.  “Ye can’t be trusted, Ursie.  D’ye really think this be what I wanted for ye?  Ye were born with a natural crystal bond, the rarest one at that.  Ye could’ve had a good life as a priestess of Scherza, but ye had to go and ruin yer chances and repeat the mistakes yer Ma made.  Aye, tis true that I once tried to steal another woman’s child, and that I murdered innocent people, but that were a long time ago.  I’ve been given another chance at life and I intend to use it wisely.  I could’ve turned ye over to the Vyrdigaan Elders, who would’ve done far more than drain yer powers”.

Ursula screamed and tried to run away, but Dorrie had her immobilised in an instant.  She held up the crystal and started the draining process, not stopping until every last trace of power had been absorbed into the crystal.  She then threaded the crystal onto the leather cord around her neck and tucked it into the bodice of her leather tunic.

She addressed her granddaughter again.  “Learned a thing or two from the Losinthans, so I did.  They keep criminals and trespassers confined in underground cells with multiple layers of sorcery wards around them.  I’ll have to adapt their methods a little to suit sand and mud, but the principle be the same.  Twill take a lot of power to construct yer cell, but I believe what I’ve taken from ye will be sufficient for the task”.

Ursula was still screaming when Dorrie translocated her into the newly-built subterranean cell.


Rita tried on one of the new outfits which she had bought at one of her favourite fashion houses in Inrith.  She paraded in front of the mirror, looking at herself critically.  Her right wrist still stung from the brandmark which her father had applied and she would never forget the look of pride on his face when she had recited the Carpathian Pledge to him.  Although she was not yet sixteen, she had earned the right to be branded early because she had made her first kill.

Her father’s words echoed in her mind.  “Ye did the wrong thing for the right reasons.  Ye acted out of a desire to protect yer new friend.  Twas the act of a good Carpathian and I believe the Goddess will forgive ye for mistaking the Varagan’s intentions.  Ye’ve earned yer brand fairly, so hold out yer arm”.

A knock on the door jolted her back to the present.  “Aye, come in!” she called.

Andreas entered the room and sat on the bed without waiting to be invited.  “Ye be looking much better, me dear.  How ye be feeling?”

“Still trying to work it all out” she admitted, going over and sitting next to him.  “By rights, I ought to be punished for what I did, yet I’ve been rewarded”.  She pulled back the sleeve of her turquoise silk blouse and displayed the brandmark.  “And River forgives me.  I thought I’d lost her as a friend when she found out that I’d killed the dude who had tried to stop Ursula from taking her”.

“River be wise beyond her tender years” Andreas remarked.  “She too has responsibilities which weigh heavily on her, though they be different to yers”.

“Queen River Meer” Rita said.  “I never would have figured her to be royalty.  I guess a Queen be the Corttannian version of being a Matriarch in one of the Inner Circle families”.

“Something like that” Andreas agreed.  “Now, talking of responsibilities, have ye come to a decision about Gershon Metcalfe?”

She nodded.  “Again I be killing a stranger.  But he ain’t so different from me.  He thought he were acting for the right reasons, helping his lover to achieve her ambitions.  Tis in fact very Carpathian of him”.  She raised her right hand and used her index finger to trace a circle in the air.  “Inriamorum.  He deserves an honourable passing.  Let him go to the Beyond”.

“Good enough”.  Andreas patted her on the arm and sent out reassuring emanations.  “Tis much harder to kill someone ye know.  A lot harder.  When I killed me half-brother, Enrico, it felt like I were killing a part of meself.  I were sworn to protect him, yet I ended up having to kill him.  I only hope that ye never have to do such a thing, me dear”.

(Note – Inriamorum is a Carpathian blessing to wish someone a safe passage to the Beyond)


Gershon trembled and fiddled with his robes while the Elders assembled around the conference table.

Last to arrive was Kvyrt, again hovering above the table.  “Gershon Metcalfe, a decision has been arrived at” he announced.  “All four agree that you should be sent to the Beyond.  Understand that they do not forgive you for what you have done.  Tis merely that they wish to show you mercy.  They have been judged unfairly at certain times in their lives and they have seen much death and destruction”.

Gershon dropped to his knees.  “I be ready.  I should have let the prophecy take its proper course instead of trying to cheat it.  Deliver me to the Beyond”.

Judaas stood and fired an energy blast.  Gershon crumpled to the floor.

The Elders all bowed their heads.  “Haedyesh” they murmured in unison.  “Travel safely, Gershon Metcalfe”.

(Note – Haedyesh is a blessing to wish someone a safe passage to the Beyond.  It is commonly used on Viria, Malvania and Sartoria)


“Did I hear someone mention driving?”  Andreas winked at Elsa. 

Apollo sighed and rolled his eyes.  “You won’t get me in one of those infernal machines.  I’d rather stick to walking, horse-riding or translocation”.

“Not even as a passenger?” Gerald teased.

“With you at the reins … erm … I mean … at the wheel?”  Apollo cringed and shook his head.  “I would like to see that art gallery in Megasi though.  Looking at paintings and sculptures would be safer and more enjoyable”.

“Tomorrow then” Andreas suggested.  “I want some quality time with Anni afore she goes on her business trip to Vanath”.


The following day, River requested to be taken back to the Don. Andreas translocated her back early in the morning, and she hugged her book to her chest as she stood in the dormitories. After a moment’s hesitation, she went in the opposite direction of her dorm until she found Rita’s. Hesitating once again, it took her a moment to gather her wits and courage and knock on the door.

Rita’s voice rang out clearly. “Who be there?”

River projected to her. “It’s River.”

The door opened, and Rita looked out. The Carpathian girl looked surprised when River wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “Tis good to see ye, River,” she stammered out, still looking confused.

River pulled away and Rita let her into her room. The girls sat on Rita’s bed, and River scribbled in her book. “Andreas told me I could come and see you. And I wanted to, more than anything. You were the first person to be my friend. Here or in Corttann. Nobody has ever liked me as a friend. Andreas takes care of me, but he’s more of a father than a friend. And of course, our teachers are like aunts and uncles … but I’d never had any friends my own age before.”

“River …”

I’m not angry at you for killing Serkan,” River wrote out. “I know that, right or wrong in your thoughts, you did it to protect me. And that Ursula toyed with your mind. I can’t imagine how that must have felt. But I had to see you before tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ve decided to ask Andreas to take me back to Corttann. I won’t be staying. My parents hate me. It’s something only Andreas knows why they hate me, but I wanted to tell you before I left. To let you know that I’ve done something I’ve regretted as well. When I was little, before my powers emerged, I got into an argument with my brother. In the midst of the argument, I got angry and my magic activated, killing him. I destroyed my voice that day as well. But every night, when I fall asleep, I know I’ve done something terrible. Killing Godric has affected me in ways I can’t even talk about. For the longest time, I couldn’t even control my powers because of what I did. My memories of Godric were too painful and using magic felt like an insult to him, a slight to his memory. I always lost control of it. Andreas and the others here have been teaching me to control it.” She looked up into Rita’s eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I think that’s why I can forgive you for killing Serkan. At least you thought you were doing the right thing. I simply killed him in anger.”


“I had no idea” Rita admitted.  “Out of the two of us, ye’ve had the harder life by far”.  She brushed away a tear.  “Not that it be a competition, of course.  To be hated by yer own parents … the very people who ought to cherish ye and protect ye … tis unthinkable.  I argue with me Ma and Pa especially me Pa but I know he’d do anything for me and me brothers and sisters.  And ye know what?  He were proud of me for protecting ye, even though I acted in haste and killed an innocent man.  He said I’d done the wrong thing for the right reason and ...” She pulled up her sleeve, displaying her brand.  “I earned me brand early.  That means I be considered a full adult now, with the right to vote on decisions concerning me family and their businesses”.

The two girls hugged again.

“Another thing” Rita mentioned.  “Me first act as an adult were to negotiate drama classes for meself.  Pa has agreed that I may attend Uncle Lyle’s drama class at the Temple of Scherza in Shintillah, twice a week”.

River smiled and took up her writing stick again.  I’m so pleased for you.  Lyle is Lady Anwyn’s father, isn’t he?  I met him once but I found his accent hard to understand”.

Rita laughed.  “Aye, that deep Southern drawl and slow way of talking can be hard to follow, even for a fellow Carpathian.  And he can’t hardly say a sentence without calling ye babe or darling!  His jokes be outrageous too.  I’ve got a formal meeting with him on the ninth day.  Should be interesting”.

A familiar little spark appeared in the room and whizzed around a few times before turning into the Trickster.

“Don’t ye ever knock, Uncle Kvyrt?” Rita admonished.  “We might have been trying on clothes or something!”

Kvyrt chuckled.  “I checked before I entered.  And besides, tis nothing I haven’t already seen a thousand times over.  Anyway, I have a special lesson for both of you”.

“Not more anger management?”  Rita sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Let’s call it fun management” Kvyrt suggested.  “A trip to the famous Modjian fairground on the island of Yshqah”.  He winked at Rita.  “Aye, one of the Varago Islands, which means the place will be teeming with Varagans.  That be the lesson part observing Varagans in their home territory and finding out that they love riding on carousels and rollercoasters like the rest of us!”

Andreas told me about the fairground” River wrote.  He said he’d take me there during my vacation time”.

“And so he will” Kvyrt assured her.  “But for now, he deserves a vacation, eh?  And Rita, that skirt and those heels hardly be practical for going on thrill rides.  I’ll give you a few minutes to change”.

Rita poked her tongue out at him and he did the same back to her, while River collapsed on the bed, giggling uncontrollably.


Andreas had bid his wife farewell before taking Elsa, Gerald, and Apollo to the Nentofore estate. Galea embraced Apollo enthusiastically and moved on to the other two, expressing her feelings about Elsa’s predicament as she went. Then she brought them to the mansion — as usual, she had been doing some gardening — and Gerald was immediately besieged by children. Gal’s grandchildren had evidently not forgotten their slain dragon.

The best moment for Elsa was when she saw who was leaning in the door of the mansion. Morgan smiled at her tiredly, his face pale, his eyes heavily shadowed, but he didn’t hesitate to return her embrace when she hugged him. “Thank God they got you back,” he told her before releasing the embrace. “I was worried out of my mind about you.”

“Me? What about you?” Elsa said, eyeing him critically. “You don’t look so well.”

Morgan shrugged. “I’m alright. I didn’t get much sleep last night, since the Elders were trying to extract the Lhavazii from me and that’s an … uncomfortable experience. They managed to get one out, I think.”

“Only one?” Gerald said before he could stop himself. He was currently trying to extract his leg from one of the children’s grasp. “Blimey.”

“The rest are going to be harder,” Morgan admitted. “They said they wanted to give me a break, and since you were coming to visit the Nentofores, they let me out for a while.”

“This place is amazing,” Apollo said, slinging his arm over his cousin’s shoulders. “That tower looks quite beautiful.”

“The view is stunning,” Elsa answered.

Morgan grinned. “I’m going back into the kitchen,” he said. “And help them make breakfast.”

He ducked back inside and Apollo looked at the others. “He’s always preferred eating over cooking!” he said.

“Not anymore. He’s found his true calling,” Gerald said with a laugh. “Love, ye said something about ye wanting to drive? I can teach ye.”

“You just learned,” Elsa said. “I’m going to ask Luigi to teach me, after breakfast.”

Gerald nodded. “He be a good choice,” he agreed. “Very patient and he explained things well. Blimey, that were me bad side!” he added to the children as they tugged at his lame leg.

“Go on, Gerald,” Elsa told him with a smile. “Play with the children for a while. I don’t think you’ll get a moment of peace until you do!”

“After all the bruises I got from these little monsters?” he asked as one of the boys pulled at the back of his coat. “Blimey, ye may as well be sending me to me doom!” But he allowed the children to drag him off, and soon Elsa could hear the delighted squeals of the children and Gerald’s voice, loudest of all.

Apollo smiled after Gerald. “He’s really changed, hasn’t he?” he said. “I never thought a thief could be a good influence on anyone, but you’ve changed him from a cold, unfeeling killer into something very different.”

“I don’t regret a minute of it,” Elsa admitted. She rested a hand on her stomach. “I love him with all my heart, Apollo.”

“I know you do,” Apollo said. “And you deserve some happiness, after the kind of life you’ve had. Let’s see about some fruit, hmm? I’m hungry.”


“Dear Elsa want to drive to Yove’s gallery?” Luigi asked.  “Good driver.  Safe driver.  Mother’s instinct”.

Elsa brought the truck to a stop and shook her head.  “I don’t think I’m ready to go out on those busy city streets just yet.  I’ll need plenty more sessions around the estate before I feel that confident”.

“We go again then” he suggested.  “Race yer husband?”  He gestured to the other truck and waved to Gerald and Andreas.

Gerald waved back and grinned before firing up the engine and roaring away.  The children cheered and tried to run after the truck.

Elsa accelerated and soon overtook Gerald.  They did one circuit of the vast estate with Elsa in the lead most of the way.

“I won!” Elsa declared, getting out of the truck and hurrying over to Gerald.  “My first time at driving and I beat you!”

Gerald smiled and shook his head.  “I let ye win.  Tis the honourable thing to do”.

“Liar!”  Elsa slapped him on the arm playfully.  “I’m the better driver so you might as well admit it”.


The outside of the gallery was a work of art in itself.  Covered in white marble with silvery veins, it was constructed in the shape of a circle, with an inner courtyard where visitors could stroll in the beautiful landscaped garden or sit on the sun terrace of the gallery’s main restaurant.  There were four storeys, the ground floor being the reception area, staff offices and the food court.  The remaining three storeys consisted of six large exhibition halls and storage space for items not currently on show.  The gallery and its grounds took up an entire city block and it was considered to be one of the most prominent landmarks in Megasi city centre.

Yovaine was completely different in her ways from Galea, although there was enough of a resemblance to tell that they were sisters.  Her hair was straighter and she kept it in a neat shoulder-length bob.  Her outfit consisted of a smart tailored suit and medium-heeled shoes.  She gave the Vordellans a warm smile and proceeded to show them around, telling them a little about the themes of the various exhibitions and some personal details about each of the artists.

When they came to an exhibition titled “Chimera Obscura”, Andreas appeared rather flustered and embarrassed.  “I’d best go and check on the security arrangements” he stated.  “Tis a while since I were last here, so I should change all the codes”.

“Is he alright?” Apollo enquired, watching the little Spy Master hurrying away.

“Aye, he be fine” Yovaine assured him.  “Tis just that he hates this particular exhibition”.

“I don’t know anything about art” Morgan declared.  “But why would anyone hate an exhibition?  What’s so bad about it?”

Yovaine ushered them into the exhibition hall, which was decorated in a stark black and white theme.  “Tis a funny thing about some artists, ye know.  They can’t bear to look at their own work once it be completed”.

“You’re saying that Andreas did these?” Elsa asked, gesturing to an unerringly accurate charcoal sketch of Luigi.

Yovaine nodded.  “Aye.  I had a difficult time convincing him to let me display his art.  He insisted that his name be kept secret.  Some of these be prints of sketches that he did when he were a child and others were what he drew in prison.  For a long time, he refused to do anymore art, but he sketched some of the grandchildren a few months back”.

“Who’s this?”  Elsa pointed at a drawing of an impossibly beautiful naked woman with waist length hair and a mournful expression on her face.

“Our youngest sister, Livania” Yovaine explained.  “Tis best not to mention it, but she and Andreas had a sort of relationship years ago, afore he met Anni.  Nothing unnatural, for they ain’t blood relatives.  She were a commitment-phobe and she often took advantage of his feelings for her.  She eventually grew out of it and now she be training to become the next Nentofore Matriarch”.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, until Morgan gave an outraged yell.  “I don’t look like that!  I’m not that fat!”

They all hurried over to where he was standing looking at a drawing of himself.

“I think it’s a good likeness of you” Apollo teased.  “He ought to do a new one of you in the kitchen with pancake batter in your hair”.

“You’re lucky we’re in this gallery” Morgan retorted.  “If we were outside, I’d be tempted to singe your hair with a fireball!”

“Boys, boys!” Elsa admonished.  “Play nice or I’ll send you to your rooms without any supper!”


The rest of the day, the Vordellans and Andreas spent in much laughter and enjoyment. After examining the “Chimera Obscura’s” art for a few more minutes — Gerald couldn’t stop laughing when he found a picture of himself, threatening an unseen foe with his broadsword and a furious expression on his face — they returned to find Andreas. To Morgan’s relief, they ate a delicious lunch and even Elsa ate some.

Although Morgan had little appreciation of art, Apollo took the most interest. Elsa and Gerald enjoyed seeing the Fenian way of thinking, while Morgan was gratified to have a snack as they perused the gallery. Yovaine was glad to explain to them, but all too soon it was time to return to the Nentofore estate. The Vordellans bid Yovaine farewell and Andreas drove them back. Apollo was a little uncomfortable in cars still, but the others enjoyed the ride.

When they arrived at the estate, Morgan reluctantly admitted that he’d be heading back to the Vyrdsphere. He hugged Elsa and whispered to her, “I’m sorry for what Ursula put you through.”

“Not as sorry as I am for what she did to you,” Elsa replied, kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you when they get all the Lhavazii out.”

Releasing her, Morgan clasped Apollo’s arm with his hand. “I’ll see you soon, cousin,” he told him.

The healer smiled. “Don’t take too long.”

Gerald, not one for emotional farewells, saluted Morgan. After promising to come back to the Nentofores soon and accepting a recipe book from Gal that made him smile, the mage said his last farewells and translocated back to the Vyrdsphere.

Once he was gone, the Vordellans were quieter. They stepped aside after dinner and had a quiet conference. Andreas was alone in the sitting room of the mansion, and while one of the Nentofores brought Apollo to his room and Elsa went to the tower at Luigi’s insistence, Gerald sat down beside his friend. “Been quite a vacation, ain’t it?” Gerald said.

“Aye. Weren’t what I intended for ye, though,” Andreas admitted.

Gerald gave a small smile. “Never is, mate. I be convinced that everything we try and do will go horribly wrong, so what be the use in fighting it? It be worth it, being yer friend, though.” Gerald leaned back on the couch, breathing in slowly.

“Were there something ye wanted to talk about?” Andreas asked.

“Aye,” Gerald admitted. “I wanted to tell ye that I discussed things with Elsa and Apollo, and we thought … we decided … to put off the rest of our vacation. Just until Morgan be ready again. It don’t seem fair to leave him out, and Elsa wants to go back to Vordelle, tell her sister that she’s going to have a niece or nephew soon. But she’s agreed to come back, long as ye promise to take her to Ezun’s when she don’t feel like her insides be tied in knots.”

Andreas smiled at him. “I promised to stand by ye no matter what decisions ye make, remember?” he said. “If that be what ye want to do, then that be alright.”

Gerald nodded. “Would ye think I be mad if I say that this were the most fun I’ve had in a long time?” he asked, standing. “Aside from Elsa being kidnapped and Morgan getting possessed, ‘course. Anyway, we be leaving after breakfast tomorrow. Luigi told Elsa she simply had to sleep in the tower for one more night.” Laughing and shaking his head, Gerald ran a hand through his hair. “’Night, mate. And thanks.”


Story written by R C Fletcher and Xanxa Symanah © 2018 Symanah Publishing


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan