The Fenimeldiyaan: Stolen Time - Characters

Character created by: RC
Character name: Leanora Silvereye-Hunt (Uses her Silvereye name, most of the time.) A nickname is "Lea". But only if she likes you.
Character race: Human Vordellan
Character appearance: Short, red hair, silver eyes, about seventeen. Looks like a carbon-copy of Elsa when she was younger. Has the skinny, malnourished look of a person living on the street. Extremely attractive.
Character personality: Has her parents' pride. She refuses to find work in Zor, preferring to steal for a living. She is constantly looking for her missing parents, but hasn't had any luck. Secretly very emotional and considers herself weak for not protecting her parents. Relies heavily on her younger brother.
Family: Mother Elsa, father Gerald, brother Fitz. Joseph and Ilise are her cousins, and Daren and Elaine, her uncle and aunt.
Influences: Has lived on the streets for ten years, since her parents went missing. As a result of six years of being a noble, she has the pride of a noblewoman coupled with the skills of a thief.
Strengths: Will put on a strong front, skilled at thieving, swordplay, can use her quick tongue to get out of any situation.
Weaknesses: Emotional, misses her parents more than she cares to admit, doesn't realise Joseph and Ilise are relatives, easily upset.
Likes: Stealing, thinking on her feet, being with Fitz.
Dislikes: Having her pride injured, failing, her missing family, people who try and take advantage of her.
Magic: Has none.

Character created by: RC
Character name: Joseph Lightshield (uses his Silvereye persona when he wants to go incognito)
Character race: Human Vordellan
Character appearance: Over six feet tall, fiery red hair, a handsome and rather childish face, eighteen years old. His left eye is gold-coloured while his right eye is silver. Muscular.
Character personality: Quiet, thoughtful, careful. He likes to think everything through and has difficulty acting spontaneously. He tries to reign in Ilise's more unpredictable personality with little success. When the castle of Zor was taken, Joseph and Ilise fled onto the streets to escape from Set and Jezebel.
Influences: Learning from Gerald made him a supreme swordsman. He is a passable thief, since Elaine considers it a necessary key to survival. He and his sister have shared magic--a type of magic in Vordelle that only functions when the one you share the magic with is nearby.
Strengths: Confident, careful, doesn't think too much of himself, despite being a prince, prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Weaknesses: Too trusting, too careful, easy to predict, tries too hard.
Likes: His family, protecting them and his country, seeing through another's way of life, sword fights.
Dislikes: Anything that disturbs his bubble of peace, fighting a losing battle, losing.
Magic: When he's with Ilise, 8. He learned from Morgan and uses a spellbook to curb his destructive power. Ilise has the healing side of his magic. When he's not with Ilise, 0.

Character created by: RC
Character name: Fitzgerald Hunt III (goes by Fitz, to reduce confusion between himself and his father Gerald.)
Character race: Human who is struggling against the demon magic within him Vordellan.
Character appearance: Tall, muscular, black hair, barely-silver eyes. Roguishly handsome, unlike his father, he always is clean-shaven. Has the mark of the demons on his throat the handprint. Fifteen years old.
Character personality: Rather arrogant, protective of Leanora, loud, likes a good time. He's proud of his skills as a swordsman, but conceals the fact that Set is trying to turn him into a demon. Will get loud and annoyed if someone tries to ask him about the print.
Influences: Desperate to find his father and mother. He hates the responsibility of protecting Leanora and fears that he will fail her.
Family: Leanora is his older sister, and Elsa and Gerald are his parents.
Strengths: Supreme swordsman, brave, cunning, actually fun to be around.
Weaknesses: Too loud, arrogant, too protective of Leanora, blames himself for everything, being turned into a demon slowly.
Likes: Leanora, wealth, money, fighting, beating people, winning.
Dislikes: Threats, being poor, losing, demons, people who let him down.
Magic: 3, due to the demons' curse inside him.

Character created by: RC
Character name: Ilise Silvereye-Lightshield
Character race: Human Healer Vordellan
Character appearance: Average height, curly red hair, fifteen years old. Gracefully slim. Her left eye is silver while her right is gold.
Character personality: Cheerful, a little shy, quick with a smile. It takes her a long time to trust someone. Her healing magic makes her want to help people even though she doesn't trust them.
Influences: When she and Joseph were ran out of the castle, she lost a lot of her confidence in herself. Joseph protects her, and she struggles to protect herself, usually in vain.
Family: Joseph is her older brother, and Elaine and Daren are her parents.
Strengths: Always cheers people up when she smiles at them, her healing magic can fix any wound, and she fights for what she loves.
Weaknesses: Lacks confidence, shy, and people tend to unnerve her.
Likes: Being alone, being with her brother, using her magic, helping people.
Dislikes: Evil, darkness, cruelty, threats to her and Joseph.
Magic: 8, with Joseph; 0 without him.

Character created by: RC
Character name: Morgan Shadowbinder
Character race: Human dark wizard Vordellan
Character appearance: Short, looks rotund but is actually now muscular. Has short raven hair and one green eye and one red eye. Middle aged.
Character personality: Dark, brooding, no longer the cheerful person he was. If he had trust issues before, he really has them now. His end-goal is difficult to determine.
Influences: Apollo was assassinated a few years before, leading to Morgan giving in to the darkness inside. He eventually regained some control, but was physically marked by the red eye.
Family: Has no family. Never married.
Strengths: Extremely powerful magic.
Weaknesses: Hard to read, dark, brooding, slow to trust, quick to anger.
Likes: Solitude. Became a recluse after Apollo's death. He still harbours a deep love for food.
Dislikes: Just about everything.
Magic: 9.

Character created by: Xanxa
Character name: Lord Andreas Alano Cesario (AKA the Chimera Obscura)
Character race: Human - Carpathian Spy Master (Ascended Master)
Character appearance: Short, thin slight build, light brown skin, waist length black hair, usually tied up with a piece of old bandage, long droopy moustache. Usually wears shabby checked suits with old brown sandals. Sometimes disguises himself as a beggar.  Several tattoos, including a special one on his back.
Character personality: Wildly eccentric and unpredictable. Sly, devious, wicked sense of humour, often self-depreciating. Changes subject abruptly in conversation. In private, he is a loving husband and father, devoted to his extended family.
Family: Direct descendant of the Warrior God Martius, through the Entrevi and Cesario families. Married to Anwyn, has five children, two of whom he adopted.
Strengths: Spy Master, adept at breaking and entering, climbing, picking locks, setting explosives, administering poisons, computer hacking. Ascended Master who can take mortal form when he chooses. (For the purposes of this story, he will be in mortal form).
Weaknesses: Generous to a fault. Cannot walk past a beggar without giving money.
Likes: Making and breaking codes, picking locks, playing the flute, doing conjuring tricks, telling jokes, entertaining children.
Dislikes: Cruelty, slavery, injustice and intolerance. Anything or anyone threatening his extended family.
Magic – 7 (but can be stronger when Anwyn shares her powers with him, which brings him up to 9)

Character created by: Xanxa
Character name: Lady Anwyn Lyandra Menehari-Cesario (AKA Anni)
Character race: Human – Carpathian Varathusian (Ascended Master but can take mortal form when she chooses.  For the purpose of this story, she is in mortal form)
Character appearance: Short stature, medium build, muscular and wiry.  Medium-brown skin, long dark hair styled in dreadlocks, dark eyes, wide mouth, slightly pointed chin.  Lots of tattoos, including a special one on her back. Attractive in a fierce, untamed way.  Age – Indeterminate but looks to be late thirties or early forties.
Character personality: Can seem very intimidating.  Fiercely protective of her loved-ones.  Extremely passionate in everything she does.  Playful sense of humour and can be very caring and motherly.
Family: Large extended family.  Married to Lord Andreas Alano Cesario, they have five children and many grandchildren.
Strengths: Sorcery (Vyrdigaan Master level), very skilled at martial arts.  A natural leader, experienced in politics, espionage and reading people.  
Weaknesses: Gets homesick for the desert and hates leaving it for more than a few days at a time.  Very hot temper and sometimes has a cruel streak.
Likes: Her family, her work, her home in the desert, teaching new recruits.
Dislikes: Bullying, injustice, prejudice, wearing clothes, especially formal dressing.  
Magic – Hard to measure, extremely powerful, but for the purposes of this story, 9

Character created by: RC
Character name: Set (real name unknown)
Character race: Dark wizard country of origin unknown.
Character appearance: Wears entirely black clothing and covers his face with a black cowl. Has small black eyes, pale lips, and long dark hair. Exceptionally skinny, his age is difficult to determine.
Character personality: Deceptively friendly. He teases and mocks people into doing his bidding, and is exceptional at flattery. Any promise he makes will always be broken.
Family: None.
Influences: Unknown.
Strengths: Flattery, teasing, trickery, convincing people to do what he wants them to.
Weaknesses: Relies heavily on his magic, not physically strong.
Likes: Tricking people, being secretly in charge.
Dislikes: Losing, light, Morgan.
Magic: Formerly 6, with the powers of Chronomancy, 9.

Character name: Elizabeth Drenlin (goes by Lizzy)
Created by: RC
Character race: Human.
Character appearance: Tall, athletic, curly black hair, green eyes. Extremely attractive, but downplays her beauty. She doesn't like to draw attention to herself. Eighteen.
Character personality: Stalwart, very mothering to her siblings (maybe a little too much). Extremely cautious, tries to avoid unnecessary risks. Can be bossy.
Family: In order of oldest to youngest: Lizzy, Brent, Jake, and Kitty. Their parents are deceased.
Influences: Their parents' deaths at an early age forced Lizzy to step into the role of mother. She can sometimes take that to the extreme.
Abilities: Powerful mental magic and telekinesis. She can see a few seconds into the future if something threatens the life of her or someone close to her.
Strengths: Strong, grown-up, knows what people want and is able to twist her words and actions to fit it, good liar and thief.
Weaknesses: Bossy, can be too cautious, tends to blame herself for everything, tries to fix things that weren't even her fault.
Likes: Using her magic, her siblings, protecting people, doing the right thing.
Dislikes: When one of her siblings is in trouble, prejudice against magic, doing the wrong thing, losing.

Character name: Terra Roland
Character created by: RC
Character race: Human.
Character appearance: Eighteen, dark hair, green eyes, tall and bulky. Has a very childish face.
Character personality: Bright and cheerful, if not a little naive. Constantly striving to prove himself as a knight of Corttann and make up for his sins when he hunted magic-users. Hides his feelings for Lizzy, knowing that hers might be directed somewhere else. *Cough* Liam *Cough*
Family: Has a normal family and a few siblings. Rarely sees them, since they live on the other side of Corttann. His surname came from the knight he was a squire to, Sir Roland.
Abilities: Extremely good with a lance. Blocks the magic of everyone within twenty feet of him. His physical health determines whose magic he can prevent.
Strengths: Loyal to a fault, courageous, rather dashing, good fighter, has a good tactical mind.
Weaknesses: Treats women like delicate ladies, can be a little foolish, struggles to find a good balance between trust and naivety.
Likes: Lizzy, the Drenlins, River, serving his Queen, fighting for what's right, eating.
Dislikes: Sorcery wards, being misled, when things go wrong, problems, sorcery wards.
Magic--1. Since it only affects those around him.

Character name: Basil Sonelian
Character created by: RC
Character race: Half elf, half human (represents the elf side of his blood)
Character appearance: A little more than five feet tall, slim, graceful-looking. Long, straight blond hair, golden eyes, really pale skin. Like most elves, the only word to describe him is beautiful.
Character personality: Bright and cheerful, maybe annoyingly optimistic. Hides a deep hurt within him. Tends to be overly enthusiastic about everything.
Family: His entire family is deceased and he watched them all die in front of him at various times. Married to Angel.
Abilities: An expert swordsman and his gemstone commands light magic. Doesn't need sleep and can "spirit-travel"--send his spirit to other places while his body rests.
Strengths: Optimistic, will rarely admit things are going south fast, great if you need a skilled and graceful swordsman.
Weaknesses: Doesn't show his emotions at all, will rarely admit if he dislikes someone, tries to get along with everyone no matter what.
Likes: Talking, fighting, being with his friends, light, nature.
Dislikes: Darkness, people who call him a half-blood, arguing, pessimism, anger.

Character name: Angel
Character created by: RC
Character race: Half dryad, half elf. Represents the elven side of her blood.
Character appearance: A little taller than average for a woman, curly brown hair with a tinge of green, darker skin with the same tint. Dark green eyes. Difficult to determine her age. Wears a lot of green.
Character personality: Quiet. Prone to insulting people if they annoy her. Has a quiet sort of arrogance to her that reveals her noble upbringing, yet her strong sense of good overpowers the negatives to her personality. Would do anything for the people she cares about. The only person who can draw a smile from her is her husband, Basil.
Family: Her mother murdered her father and Angel assisted in the destruction of her dictator queen mother. Has no siblings.
Abilities: Can commune with spirits in trees, called dryads. The gemstone connected to the Crown of Colnia (David and Riley's light magic) that Angel has allows her to use nature magic. She is also an expert at using her lance.
Strengths: Immensely loyal, a powerful ally, commands attention. Extremely beautiful.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, difficult to work with, has NO sense of humour, doesn't like people who don't pull their weight and can be harsh.
Likes: Quiet, being with her husband, peace, goodness, loyalty, getting her way.
Dislikes: Loudness, brashness, when people don't think things through, when things go terribly wrong.

Character name: Lana-a-Dale
Character created by: RC for my sequel to the Rachel Andric series.
Character race: Formerly a human. Transformed into a siren by Merlin.
Character appearance: Twenty years old, tall, gangly, brownish-red, curly hair, pale skin, dark eyes, always smiling.
Character personality: Ridiculously cheerful. Childish for her age, plays the fool often, actually incredibly smart. Loves to sing. Very loyal to her friends, refuses to talk about how Merlin became her guardian.
Family: Her parents are assumed to be deceased not that Lana ever says that. She calls her guardian Merlin "Uncle Emrys".
Influences: Her mother was killed trying to protect Lana from being drowned as a witch. Lana drowned, but Merlin saved her life by transforming her into a siren. She rarely uses the ability and only loses control when fully submerged in water.
Abilities: Her voice can hypnotise anyone to do her bidding. She rarely uses the ability. When she's fully submerged in water, Lana loses all recollection of who she is and attempts to drown anyone who comes near.
Strengths: Smart, cheerful, loyal, has a good sense of humour, does her best to keep up the morale.
Weaknesses: Plays the fool too often, pretends that her parents are fine, can be annoying on purpose.
Likes: Singing, dancing, playing instruments, annoying people, having fun, Merlin.
Dislikes: Water, people who stop her from singing, people who talk about her parents, cowardice, those who don't appreciate music.
Magic: 5 out of water, 7 in water.

Character name: Merlin Emrys
Character created by: RC, but taken from the King Arthur legends.
Character race: More than a mortal, but still a human. A powerful sorcerer.
Character appearance: Varies. His favourite form is a short (the one thing he can't change), skinny, black haired young man with dark eyes and pale skin. Depending on what he's doing, he'll raise or reduce his age to match the occasion.
Character personality: Sarcastic, calm, always seems to be in control. Never backs down from a challenge.
Family: He's married, has two children, and assumed guardianship of Lana.
Influences: Doesn't talk about them much.
Abilities: Powerful sorcerer. Lives for a very, very long time. Extremely good shape-shifter.
Strengths: Powerful magic, a good tactical mind, quick with a joke or quip to ease people's minds.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, sarcastic, unfriendly to people he dislikes.
Likes: Using magic, teasing people, being in charge.
Dislikes: People undermining him, music, reminders of his deceased best friend and first lover.
Magic: 9

Character created by: Xanxa
Character name: Gremeldah Dowd
Character race: Human – Virian (Chronomage)
Character appearance: Medium height, stocky build, pale skin, eyes that are a mixture of blue and green.  Round face, chin-length curly hair which she dyes bright green (natural hair colour is light brown).  Appears to be in her early twenties, although she is probably closer to thirty.  Usually wears black robes but will occasionally put on a pretty dress if she’s trying to impress someone.
Character personality: Cheerful, friendly, eager to please.  Confident, can be a bit flirty at times.
Family: Doesn’t talk about them much, although she admires her grandmother, Noreen.
Strengths: Intelligent, quick learner, agile, knows a wide range of sorcery skills but specialises in Chronomancy and alchemy.  Excellent at languages and can learn a new language in under a week.  Has perfect pitch singing voice (due to her Peyaad crystal bond) and can play piano, violin and flute.  Passable martial arts and sword-fighting skills although she prefers to use sorcery.
Weaknesses: Too eager to please, her flirtatious nature gets her into awkward situations.  Gets bored easily.
Likes: Travelling, exploring, singing, playing music, dancing, making new friends.
Dislikes: Authority figures, rules, any relationship which requires commitment, anyone who tries to curtail her freedom.
Magic: 9 (Has Peyaad and Saavagny crystal bonds which were implanted when she was a small child)

Character name: Olivia Meer-Drenlin
Created by: RC
Character race: Human
Character appearance: Looks almost identical to River, except her eyes are a startling green and covered with spectacles. Freckles fleck her pale face, and she's only eleven years old. Short and unhealthily skinny.
Character personality: Mute like her mother. She likes to hide and spend her time in the background. Doesn't like trusting people and will try and run away if anyone approaches her. Rather like a hunted animal. Set has been searching for her because of her powerful magic.
Family: Her mother is River, her father, Jake Drenlin. The other Drenlins are her aunts and uncle.
Strengths: She can use shields like her father, can make her skin hard as diamond, and turn invisible, as well as all the magic her mother had. She's more in control than River used to be, but she doesn't like using it, as it attracts attention to her.
Weaknesses: She runs from everything, she's scared of everything, mute, needs spectacles. Carries around her mother's old book to "speak" with.
Likes: Being alone, silence, calm, dressing up.
Dislikes: Just about everything.
Magic: Very powerful, 9, but she doesn't like to use it.

Character name: Fitzgerald Hunt (Gerald)
Created by: RC
Character race: Human.
Appearance: Dark haired, clear eyes, early twenties, scruffy, tall, broad-shouldered, has a brand of a hand on his neck that he hates talking about.
Personality: Can be rough with people he doesn't like and rather annoying. Quick with a joke or snarky remark. Doesn't like to lose. He has a peculiar sense of mercy and won't kill those he thinks deserve to live.
Family: Married to Elsa. He left his home country and his family behind.
Influences: A desire to be a knight at an early age left him with a strange sense of the knight's code. The forced murder of his mentor scarred him and hardened him.
Abilities: Extremely skilled fighter in all manners of weaponry.
Strengths: Good at fighting, has a good amount of money to his name, loyal to people he cares about, oddly merciful.
Weaknesses: No tact, dislikes arrogance (except in himself), the exact opposite of a diplomat.
Likes: Fighting, money, Elsa.
Dislikes: A lot of things, mostly Morgan.

Character name: Elsa Silvereye (Hunt, though she doesn't use that surname)
Created by: RC
Character race: Human.
Character appearance: Twenty-one years-old, a little more than five feet tall, very skinny, long, curly red hair, silver eyes. Extremely attractive. Does little to accentuate that fact.
Character personality: Difficult to get alone with. She tends to brush other people off and doesn't like to talk about her past. She doesn't like being the center of attention or getting told she's doing something wrong. Pushes aside her own feelings for the sake of the people she cares about and can be annoyingly unemotional. Oddly enough, she's a pacifist--she won't take a life.
Family: Her parents were murdered by the former King of Vordelle. Elaine is her twin sister and Gerald is her husband.
Influences: She ran away from the castle (Zor) of Vordelle after her parents' executions. She and her sister lived on the streets alone and had to resort to thievery to survive.
Abilities: The best thief in all of Vordelle and possibly the world. Also skilled at swordplay, having been taught by her father at a young age.
Strengths: Reliable, true to her word, loyal to people she cares about, refuses to kill. Great if you want a thief.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, prideful, arrogant, likes to work alone, will go to great lengths to avoid people she doesn't like.
Likes: Taking care of her sister, being the best at something, proving people wrong, stealing.
Dislikes: Having to get Gerald out of trouble, relying on others, people who think she's weak because she's a woman, losing, getting told she's wrong, people who kill others.

Character name: Elaine Silvereye Lightshield
Created by: RC
Character race: Human
Character appearance: Same as Elsa, except she's a little rounder than her twin and about five feet tall. Less striking than Elsa.
Character personality: Sweet, sincere, rather naive. She dislikes stealing. Would do anything to protect Elsa and the rest of her family. Elaine feels bad for Gerald when Elsa starts being unkind to him.
Family: Parents are deceased. Twin sister Elsa, husband Daren, infant son Joseph.
Influences: The same as Elsa's. Now, as Queen of Vordelle, she struggles to prove that she can be a lady and that she's not just a thief.
Abilities: Passable thief.
Strengths: People tend to like her more than Elsa. A good people person, an excellent Queen, good mother and wife, good at getting people to get along. Level-headed.
Weaknesses: Naive, not physically strong, will do anything to protect her family.
Likes: Peace, being with her family, people, not having to steal to survive.
Dislikes: Stealing, criminals, mentions of her parents, when Elsa refuses to get along with people, when things go wrong.

Character name: Apollo Lightbringer
Created by: RC
Character race: Healer. Essentially human but with powerful healing and light magic.
Character appearance: Extremely tall and skinny, messy blond hair, pale skin and dark blue eyes. Early twenties (same age as Morgan). Always wears white robes and carries a white staff. Tan gloves.
Character personality: Deceivingly quiet and gentle among strangers. Actually has a strong sarcastic sense of humour and enjoys teasing Morgan. He is devoted to his life as a healer and will put his own life on the line for the sake of another. The Chosen One of the Lightshield, which grants him powerful light magic. He tries not to tap into it much, since doing so could lead to him accidentally "purifying" the darkness from Morgan--which would end up killing the mage.
Family: His parents were executed by the king. His aunt and two uncles all had dark magic in them, but none of that touched Apollo. Morgan is his cousin.
Influences: He's known for a long time that Morgan's parents killed his own parents, but he cares for his cousin and is the only one who can bring him out of darkness when he falls into it. The two share a close, brotherly relationship despite their differing natures.
Abilities: Very powerful light magic and a good healer.
Strengths: Devoted to his friends, good to have around when you need him, handy for getting rid of darkness.
Weaknesses: Set in his ways, can be stubborn, doesn't like to do the wrong thing even if it's for the right reason.
Likes: Tranquillity, when everything is neat (he's a neat-freak), going on adventures with Morgan.
Dislikes: Morgan's friendship with Andreas (he feels slighted), when things go wrong, sloppiness, arguing, darkness, crime.

Character name: James
Character created by: RC for "The Crown of Colnia".
Character race: Half human, half air spirit. Represents the human aspect of his blood.
Character appearance: Over six feet tall, black hair, sea-blue eyes, dashingly handsome, crooked, broken nose, early twenties, muscular.
Character personality: Bad temper. Extremely moody. When you get him in a good mood, consider yourself lucky--his bad moods are far more frequent, whether he's in a fog of sadness or furiously angry. The darkness inside of him and his tendency to turn into a dragon when he's mad make him frightening.
Family: His brother was killed two years ago. Married to Lorelei.
Abilities: Can transform completely or partly into a dragon about twenty feet in length and ten feet tall. Can grow wings and breathe fire, as well as harness the power of darkness. Slightly weaker dark magic on Earth. Uses two swords that his wife crafted with her magic--they have the appearance of small knives until he wills them into swords.
Strengths: Powerful, strong, has great attachment to those he loves.
Weaknesses: Struggles to find the balance between light and darkness, his temper, his arrogance, easily swayed.
Likes: Fighting, his wife, his family.
Dislikes: Himself, other people, darkness, a lot of other stuff. Has a fear of enclosed spaces thanks to his air spirit parentage.
Magic: 7 with his dragoon magic, 8 with the darkness.

Character name: Lorelei
Character created by: RC for "The Crown of Colnia" series.
Character race: Half naiad (a race that lives in freshwater) half human.
Character appearance: A little taller than James, muscular, bluish-blonde hair, bluish-pale skin, ocean-y blue eyes. Looks about twenty, though she has a rather ageless face.
Character personality: Cold, argumentative, moody, yet emotional. Sometimes experiences with greater strength than normal people.
Family: Her parents are dead. She has no siblings. Is married to James.
Influences: Spent most of her life in a lake as a naiad, which makes it harder to process emotions. She either doesn't experience them at all or experiences them far too much.
Abilities: Can draw the water from the air around her to craft objects in her hands. The gemstone she wields can make her summon storms or freeze things. Wields a battleaxe.
Strengths: Fierce fighter, extremely loyal, powerful.
Weaknesses: Emotionally unstable, vengeful, can't comprehend emotions very well.
Likes: Loyalty, children, water (from a distance.).
Dislikes: Betrayal, cruelty, half-bloods (including herself), death.
Magic: Without her gemstone, 5. With her gemstone, 8.

Character created by: Xanxa
Character name: Parsivaal Probyt
Character race: Human - Malvanian
Character appearance: Tall and thin, with pale skin and long white wavy hair which he never brushes, therefore it is a mess of matted tangles.  Prefers wearing a shabby patchwork robe and goes around barefoot most of the time. 
Character personality: Cheerful, friendly, helpful.  Wildly eccentric, sometimes not making much sense.  Cares little for appearances.  Can be very unconventional in his ways.
Family: Mother Ghenlys (deceased), has not seen his other Malvanian relatives for many decades.  Married to Lady Suriah Edeeshah Alana Menehari-Cesario (AKA Suri Probyt), youngest daughter of Anwyn and Andreas, which brings him into the vast extended Ohrivaal/Menehari/Cesario/Halloran family grouping.  Suri is several decades younger than him, but they are extremely well-suited since they have so much in common.  
Strengths: Master Sorcerer, specialising in illusions, personal alchemy, mathematics and sacred geometry.  Skilled at making and breaking codes, picking locks.  Good judge of character.  Still reasonably strong, despite his great age.  Can fight but prefers to find peaceful solutions.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to dither and go off-topic.  Tries to see the good in everyone. 
Likes: Family, running his junk shop (the Miscellanium), collecting odd items that no-one else wants, teaching students, visiting the swamplands and the desert, reading and studying ancient books and scrolls.
Dislikes: Brushing his hair, saunas, being clean (all due to childhood trauma), vain and arrogant people, prejudice, intolerance.
Magic: 8

Character created by: Xanxa
Character name: Caratacuus Helvellyan
Character race: Human - Malvanian
Character appearance: Tall, slim build, pale skin, pale grey eyes, long white hair.  He usually dresses in light grey robes which he makes himself.  Quietly spoken, with little variation in his tone of voice.  His facial expressions are subtle and hard to read.
Character personality: Calm and endlessly patient.  Very diplomatic, rarely displays any noticeable emotions.  Very caring and nurturing.  
Family: (I’ve yet to write his back-story, so I don’t know anything about his parents) He has one daughter, Ryaah Lemuel, and several grandchildren.  Married late in life to Abileen Fermanagh, who is younger than his daughter, via an arranged Carpathian marriage.
Strengths: Skilled sorcerer.  Expert in mathematics and sacred geometry.  Can fight when necessary but always seeks a diplomatic solution first.  Steady, reliable and dependable.
Weaknesses: Can seem distant and aloof.  Hard to read how he feels, since he rarely shows emotions. 
Likes: Teaching students, spending time with his wife, daughter, son in law and grandchildren, designing and making clothes, embroidery, painting and meditation. 
Dislikes: His peaceful way of life being disrupted. 
Magic: 7 (but rarely uses it, apart from translocating and merging minds)

Character name: David Smith
Created by: RC
Character race: Formerly human, but the magic of Colnia turned him into something in between.
Character appearance: Average height, burly, covered in scars, including one that blinded him in his right eye. His eyes are brown, but he no longer looks like a harmless teenager. In his thirties, he looks ragged and battle-weary. Still carries the Crown of Colnia with him, but with the disappearance of the other three pieces, he's significantly weakened.
Character personality: Dark, harsh, still harbours great love for his disappeared wife, friends, and daughter. He's incredibly loyal to his country and still maintains the light inside of him, despite his change in perspective.
Family: His wife and daughter were killed. The rest of his friends and leaders of Colnia as well.
Strengths: His anger makes him strong, won't give up on what he wants, master at magic and sword-fighting as well as with a bow.
Weaknesses: Broken inside, speaks without thinking, angry at just about everything.
Likes: Not too much.
Dislikes: Not too much. He keeps quiet about them.
Magic: Used to be 9, lowered to 8.

Character name: Regina Smith
Created by: RC
Character race: Sorceress (not qualified as humans in Colnia)
Character appearance: A little less than average height, skinny, has a ton of chocolate-brown curls that cascade around her slim shoulders. She has her father's big brown eyes and red cheeks. Extremely pretty, has some childlike innocence to her. Fourteen years old.
Character personality: Tends to be blithe and cheery. She uses the façade to hide her grief over the executions of the Colnians. Set faked her death for David and concealed her in the castle, trying to drain her magic. However, she made her escape when he got distracted by the others. She tries to be optimistic no matter what and would never be cruel to anybody.
Family: David is her father. Her mother was a sorceress named Rosalie.
Strengths: She's kind, gentle, and caring. Positive outlook and her powerful light magic enable her to protect the people she loves.
Weaknesses: The darkness her father accepted to survive seeped into her system. Only her parents and Basil knew that when she turns seventeen, she will die unless she can eliminate the darkness. The darkness can make her magic far more powerful than she intended it to be.
Likes: Light, happiness, having fun, her friends and family.
Dislikes: Darkness, evil, remembering the deaths of the Colnians.
Magic: 9


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan