Notable Sorcerers' Enclaves

OMMADAWN ENCLAVE - Located in Northern Viria.  An ancient and traditional enclave, but very friendly and welcoming.

SHIMMERDEEN ENCLAVE - Located in Central Malvania.  Known for being experimental.  Welcomes sorcerers and students of all origins.  Proud of its diversity.

DONOVAN INSTITUTE - Located in Central Malvania.  A balanced mix of solid and traditional discipline with pioneering healing, alchemy and crystal theory techniques.  Also well known for treating mental illnesses.

BERYK ENCLAVE - Located in Northern Malvania.  Traditional and often regarded as old-fashioned, although some of its sorcerers are eccentric and affectionate.

LEESTHERN ENCLAVE - Located in Northern Malvania.  Very strict discipline where children are separated from adults.  Rigid rules and traditional teaching.

GERYALAH ENCLAVE - Located in Central Varathusia.  Not strictly a sorcerers' enclave, since it is run by the Carpathian Scalani and Menehari gangster families.  Carpathian spies, assassins and sorcerers are trained there.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan