The Fenimeldiyaan: Vacation - Chapter 11

“Wow, who be yer handsome friend?” Rita asked, gesturing towards the departing Varagan trader. River had been hoping for solitude, but she could hardly turn Rita away, so she set about writing out an explanation about how the elegant trader had tried to help her in Rishlaan. “A Varagan, eh?” Rita’s tone indicated disdain and she scowled. “Best ye stay away from him. No doubt he be wanting to add ye to his harem of concubines. Bed-slaves , they call them. Anyways, how ye be feeling?” “ I’m thankful to be back here ” River wrote. “ What about you? Andreas said that you had been beaten up. If I’d known that you were on the island with me, I would have tried to help. I only found out after my rescue ”. “Ah, don’t worry about it”. Rita shrugged and waved her hand dismissively. “Anyways, since we’ve both been let off lessons, how about coming shopping with me? I need new clothes”....