The Fenimeldiyaan: Origins - Chapter 4

At the very edge of his vision, Gerald became aware of movement.  He turned his head, noticing that the little priest had returned and was busy picking the lock on the neighbouring cell.

Without pausing in his work, Alberto nodded and grinned at Gerald.  “Breakout be happening sooner than I’d intended.  And using sorcery on the locks were a big mistake.  Tripped off all the Governess’s wards.  Picking ‘em manually would’ve only caused a tiny ripple in the wards and she might not have noticed straight away”.  The lock clicked and he pulled the door open, beckoning to the frail elderly man in the cell next to Fiametta’s.  “Let’s hope that Morgan can stall the Governess for a while, eh?”

Hearing their conversation, Apollo edged nearer, studying the little man in the black robes.  “Hold on a minute!  Weren’t you wearing a guard’s uniform back there?  How could you have changed that quickly?”

Alberto laughed.  “Tweren’t me.  See?”  He pointed to the table, where all four guards, including the little one, were playing another round of cards, apparently oblivious to the flurry of activity in the cell block.

“You’re twins?”  Apollo felt stupid for asking, but the question emerged from his mouth automatically.

“In a manner of speaking” Alberto replied.

“Ye mentioned Morgan” Gerald spoke.  “Have ye seen him?”

“Aye” Alberto affirmed.  “Met him a while ago.  The Governess has given him one of the best rooms in the place.  She be softening him up, luring him in.  Like calls to like, y’see”.

Apollo sighed.  “The darkness I felt when we were in the forest.  I had hoped that Morgan would be strong enough to resist it but when he ran off, I knew it had called to him”.  He clutched at his staff, drawing energy from it.  “I hope he can hold out against the Governess until we find a way to overcome her”.

“Twon’t be long” Alberto warned.  “She be on the move.  I can sense her.  I’ll try to slow her down a bit.  Ye can help by not using any more sorcery.  Least not until she attacks.  Meantime, let’s get the rest of these cells open.  Come on, pilgrims!”

He darted in front of Apollo and soon had Fiametta’s cell open.  On the other side, another small skinny figure clad in a black jumpsuit worked at the lock of River’s cell.

Gerald’s eyebrows rose in astonishment and he gestured towards the third little man.  “Another brother?”

Alberto gave a brief nod and a sly grin.

“How many of you are there?” Apollo questioned.

“As many as necessary” Alberto answered.  “I’ve sent another one upstairs to run interference with Governess DeGraaw”.

He released Plinio from his cell and handed the man a small wallet.  Plinio nodded, took some tools from the wallet and set to work on the lock of the cell where his companion was imprisoned.

River sat on the edge of her bunk, watching her rescuer manipulating the lock.  He glanced up at her and smiled.  “Told ye I’d help ye” he projected.  “Wind turns green and the Goddess smiles.  Everything will be the right size”.  He eased the door open and entered her cell.

She grabbed her book from the bunk.  It was still open at the page where the mysterious message and drawing had appeared.  She held it up to him.

He grinned and nodded, then rolled up his right sleeve, displaying a distinctive brandmark on the inside of his forearm near the wrist.  She leaned in closer, trying to make out the design in the subdued light emanating from the flickering gas-lamps.  It matched the one in her book in every detail.

“Time to get outa here” he urged, taking her by the arm.  “I know ye, River Meer, and I feel yer powers.  We might need a bit of help to take down the Governess.  D’ye reckon ye could send out a few energy strikes at her?”

River nodded.


Ciracea put down her cutlery and got up from the table.  “One of the intruders has returned.  Twould seem that he’s brought others with him and they be in process of liberating the dangerous criminals from my dungeon.  I had them locked away for good reason — to protect the good citizens of this land”.

Morgan shifted in his seat, unsure how to respond.  His thoughts were on Apollo, wishing that he could do something to help his cousin but feeling powerless in the presence of Ciracea.

“I see this news disturbs you, dearest Morgan” she remarked, placing one elegantly manicured hand on his shoulder.  “Perhaps you would care to assist me in quelling the uprising in my dungeon?  With our combined forces, we should have no trouble neutralising the threat”.

Tendrils of darkness wrapped around Morgan in a comforting embrace.  Ciracea’s spicy exotic perfume drifted towards him, making his skin tingle in a way which was both uncomfortable and exciting.

“Do you know how to translocate?” Ciracea enquired.

Morgan shook his head.  “I’ve never tried.  I used a portal to get here”.

She smiled and held out her hand.  “Portals can be most unreliable.  Take my hand and I’ll teach you the far more subtle and dependable art of translocation”.


Apollo stood awkwardly aside. Gerald had managed to get a pin from Alberto, and was starting to pick locks as well. Apollo cast about, wishing that he knew where Morgan was, holding his staff tightly. The little girl who had been imprisoned was now staying close by Alberto, hugging her book to her chest.

There was a strange feeling in the air, and Alberto turned, sending a telepathic warning out to them all. Apollo couldn’t translate it before two people appeared. One was an intimidating woman, while the other … “Morgan!” Apollo said, taking a step forward.

Shadows whipped out from the corners, lashing out at the prisoners. Those without powers were quickly held fast by them, Gerald included. “Blimey!” he complained. “I thought we were done with these blasted things!”

Morgan likewise lashed out at Alberto and Apollo, but Apollo managed to get over to Alberto and keep a shield of light over them. “He’s — he’s not normally like this,” he admitted, shakily. “See his eyes? They’re red … she must be manipulating him. He wouldn’t be attacking me if he wasn’t being tricked!”

“That don’t help me!” Gerald yelled. “What I wouldn’t give for me blade!”

River was locked mid-spell in a fight with the Governess, keeping a strike from hitting Alberto. Trembling slightly with effort, she kept her eyes narrowed, fighting her, but weakening. Alberto went to help her, but Morgan slammed shadows around him and Apollo, keeping them encircled.

“Keep up yer shield,” Alberto said. “We need to fight ‘em.”

“How?” Apollo demanded. “Don’t hurt Morgan, please. He’s my family …”

Gerald started yelling abuse at Ciracea, who angrily yelled out, “Enough!” An energy blast sent them all flying backwards, into the wall, except for Morgan and his prisoners. River hit the wall and slid down, unconscious.

“You are all my prisoners,” Ciracea snarled. She was draining Alberto’s powers, drawing on them. He was trying to reach River, but the girl was too far away. “Unlawful fools!”

Alberto sent River a telepathic message in her sleep. “I will come back for ye.” Then he grabbed Apollo’s arm and translocated himself and the healer out of the dungeons.

Ciracea immediately grew sweeter and laid a hand on Morgan’s shoulder. “Will you help me lock these prisoners back up again?” she said.

Morgan nodded, his expression slightly vague. “Yes,” he said, his eyes passing over Gerald without recognition.

Ciracea approached Gerald. “You really ought to reconsider fighting back against me,” she told him as Morgan dragged Fiametta back into her cell.

“I ain’t serving ye!” he snarled, and spat at her feet. She hurled him furiously back into the cell and slammed the door shut on him.

Then she turned to River, curled up and unconscious, in the back of the cell. “And now for you, little one,” she purred.


Favoured by the Gods

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