Fenian Deities and Beliefs


Apart from the Cyad, all the other cultures and planets hold spiritual beliefs. Their belief systems vary, but they are all fundamentally connected, and many of the deities and rituals are prevalent on more than one world.

Name: Gloria Elviria (also known as Alcestis)
Designation: Mother of Viria or Northern Muse
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria

Name: Minestria
Designation: Goddess of Sorcery
Planet(s) of Worship: All Planets

Name: Scherza
Designation: Goddess of Wisdom
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria, Malvania

Name: Varagord
Designation: God of Wisdom
Planet(s) of Worship: Varathusia

Name: Malvanis
Designation: God of Knowledge
Planet(s) of Worship: Malvania

Name: Iraevesh
Designation: Goddess of Justice
Planet(s) of Worship: Varathusia (mainly worshipped by Carpathians)

Name: Qaelestyah
Designation: Goddess of Air (worshipped by writers, artists and gamblers)
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria

Name: Vashni
Designation: Goddess of Air (worshipped by writers, artists and gamblers)
Planet(s) of Worship: Sartoria

Name: Ledni (Ledina)
Designation: Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria, Malvania

Name: Rash-Kaan
Designation: God of Fire
Planet(s) of Worship: Sartoria

Name: Vernon
Designation: God of Mountains, Rocks and Soil
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria, Sartoria, Malvania

Name: Satori
Designation: God of Forests
Planet(s) of Worship: Sartoria, Viria, Malvania

Name: Nemoneh
Designation: Goddess of Seas, Lakes and Rivers
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria, Malvania

Name: Gedyon
Designation: God of Seas, Lakes and Rivers
Planet(s) of Worship: Sartoria

Name: Vargenyah
Designation: Goddess of Fertility
Planet(s) of Worship: Viria, Sartoria

Name: Mechlah
Designation: Goddess of Technology
Planet(s) of Worship: All Planets

Name: Lilith
Designation: Goddess of Darkness
Planet(s) of Worship: All Planets, though not widely worshpped

Name: Haedestryah
Designation: Goddess of the Beyond
Planet(s) of Worship: All Planets

Name: Baejaal
Designation: God of Lost Causes
Planet(s) of Worship: Seldom worshipped

Planet Soul Concept 

It is a widely held belief throughout the Fenian Galaxy that there is a symbiotic link which connects the structure of each planet to everything upon it, including the rocks, soil, minerals, flora and fauna. This belief forms part of the crystal theory which is taught as part of the sorcerer’s arts. Each planet is regarded as a living entity in its own right and it possesses a consciousness which is known as the Planet Soul. There are various terms for the Planet Soul.

  • On Viria, it is called the Viristraan.
  • On Malvania, it is called the Vanistraan.
  • On Sartoria, it is called the Seed.
  • In Carpathian culture, it is known as the Circle.
  • In Varagan culture, it is known as the Varageye.

The Cyad Confederacy refuses to acknowledge such a concept and all references to it are considered to be nothing more than fairy tales. Hence on Mondias and Yttria, belief in the Planet Soul is strongly discouraged and very few citizens would openly acknowledge it.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan