The Fenian Galaxy

The Fenian Galaxy is where most of the novels take place.  Below I have listed the main planets and a brief description of them.


MONDIAS: Planet of origin of the Cyad Confederacy. The most technologically advanced planet in the known Universe. The harsh Cyad Confederacy controls its homeworld with an efficient but rigid system of rules. The Cyad’s goal is to explore, invade and control the entire Universe. They have huge armies and weapons at their disposal and have also developed advanced space travel with the fluxship, which is capable of jumping across vast distances. Mondians are also pioneers in toxic chemical warfare and in genetic engineering. 

YTTRIA: The most commercially thriving planet in the known Universe. It has the greatest population of lawyers, doctors and commercial business people. Yttria was the first planet to form an alliance with the Cyad, albeit an uneasy one. Cyad military bases and personnel are located in or near the major cities. Rampant consumerism and materialism coexist alongside Cyad austerity. The language, politics and currency reflect the fact that the Cyad is largely in control of the planet, although the native Yttrians tell a different story of peaceful co-operation between them.

MALVANIA: Renowned for its scientists and academics, this planet is almost as highly developed as Mondias and Yttria. However, the Malvanians have no desire to invade other planets. They are an isolated, reticent species who immerse themselves in science and the Arts. Some Malvanians also have the capability to become sorcerers, but their field of expertise tends to lean heavily and almost exclusively towards alchemy and they are less inclined to study the other areas of sorcery. 

SARTORIA: The most peaceful planet in the known Universe. Famed for its poets, philosophers, sorcerers and artists, its influence has a positive effect on all cultures. Sartorians love the finer things in life and are acquisitive and inquisitive by nature, but rarely violent. Sartorians have always been explorers, hence their culture and philosophy have become widespread throughout the other planets. 

VARATHUSIA: The planet of origin of the Carpathian Organisation. No formal government system, the most powerful Carpathian families dictate the law. Strict adherence to the Carpathian Circle of Justice is always expected, and any transgressors are summarily executed. Fierce feuds between rival families are commonplace. Varathusians tend to make good business people and devious politicians. Generally, they have little interest in external affairs, although their Rules of External Alliance open the way for some off-world agreements. Carpathians have little tolerance for sorcerers, mystics or priests, although the few sorcerers on Varathusia tend to be mercenary in nature, carrying out operations for some of the more influential families. 

VIRIA: Also known as the Crystal Planet, Viria is famed for its crystalline structure, which has great healing properties. The Virian folk are deeply spiritual and mystical, with a complex belief system derived from the ancient Sartorian philosophies of Soucoyanism. Government is largely ineffective, due mainly to the fragmented nature of Virian society. Virians have always been fiercely clan-orientated, and the bitter, arcane feuds make it difficult to establish communications and transport networks. The Virian legal system is archaic and closely linked to the Holy Temple. Virians are cheerful and resourceful folk, though many of the remoter clans remain suspicious of foreigners and resistant to changing times. In the larger cities and more densely populated areas, the society functions along similar lines to Yttria and Malvania, but in remoter areas, the clans tend to be nomadic and warlike. Virians have a strong sense of honour and family always comes first.

VYRDSPHERE: Hollow artificial planet serving as home to the Vyrdhrii Elders and the Ascended Masters. Living quarters, kitchens, offices, worship halls and other facilities are all contained within the sphere. It has its own crystal propulsion system but rarely moves from its customary resting place close to Malvania.


LOSINTHO: Also known as the White Planet, Losintho is an ice-covered world inhabited by a reticent, isolationist population. Losinthans shun any contact with other planets and their complex defence system acts as a deterrent to any would-be visitors. Losinthan society is strictly governed and the citizens tend to not to travel far from their birthplaces. Developments in science and technology are strongly encouraged. There are some sorcerers living in remote enclaves who usually stay well away from the more populated areas.

THE MARGIAN SYSTEM: An ancient and mysterious planetary system consisting of four planets — Margis Alpha, Margis Beta, Margis Gamma and Margis Delta. Little is known about the culture on these worlds, except for the fact that Margians tend to be impractical dreamers who yearn for the glories of bygone eras and try to model themselves on legendary folk heroes. 


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan