Fenian Languages



Genaiic is the root language upon which the Virian, Varathusian, Sartorian and Malvanian languages are based.  It is still used by members of religious orders and academic communities on these planets, but it is largely considered to be a dead language.  It is a very ornate and detailed language, and much use is made of metaphors and historical or mythological references.  For this reason, it is extremely difficult for visitors to the region to learn.

People’s Language

The People’s Language is an artificial language developed by the Cyad shortly after its formation.  The idea was firstly to create a language for secret communications by Cyad spies, but it spread to all people born on planets under Cyad rule.  It has become the most widespread language in the known Universe.  It is a very precise and orderly language, but rather cold and mechanical.  For this reason, there is not much literature or poetry written in the People’s Language.

Virian Language and Dialects

Virian is a very colourful, earthy language, filled with emotions and vivid descriptions.  There are many different dialects and variations, denoting not only particular regions, but also vocational paths.  For example, a priest will develop different linguistic characteristics than a medic or a soldier.  From birth, a child will naturally learn the dialect of their local area, but if they choose a particular vocation or career, or they move to another area, their dialect will gradually take on those characteristics over time.  Another important point about Virian, it is a very possessive language.  Linguistically, all objects and people have to “belong” in some way.  If there is no indication that a particular person or item belongs to someone, it is usually described as belonging to an unknown “them”, eg, Es liusha terranah – It is their land, ie, common land belonging to no-one in particular.

Sartorian Language 

The Sartorian language evolved from the original Tymarian language, when the Tymarians were exploring space and colonising Sartoria.  Once the Tymarians intermixed with the Sartorians, a hybrid language began to develop.  Due to the initial communications problems between the two races, they developed a sign language by using hand gestures.  Over time, this became an integral part of the Sartorian language and has remained so.  This is also demonstrated by the complex ritual mimes and dances performed at Sartorian devotional ceremonies, for the dances are actually prayers and stories.  Sartorian language is full of spiritual references and the people are cultured, peace-loving artists, academics and explorers.

Varathusian Language

There are two main languages on Varathusia.  Before the Carpathian Way became integrated into Varathusian society, the original language was very similar to the Southern Virian dialects and variations.  The Carpathians evolved a language of their own, firstly as a secret code language, full of unnecessary ritual forms of address and lengthy protocols, as a means to distract a non-Carpathian from understanding the real purpose of the message.  This over-use of protocols gradually filtered down into the common language, thus resulting in an extremely flamboyant and lengthy dialect, which is notoriously difficult to learn.  The best way for a non-Carpathian to impress a Carpathian is to address him/her correctly in the formal protocols and failure to do so may result in loss of life when addressing high-ranking Inner Circle family members.  In more recent times, a less elaborate, more utilitarian version of the Carpathian language has evolved, which is used for everyday communications.  Also, further down the Echelons, the simplified dialects are more prevalent.

As well as the main Varathusian and Carpathian dialects, there are further sub-dialects used by the Varahs, Par-Varahs and Varagans.  These sub-dialects are closer in structure to the main Varathusian language, being less intricate than the Carpathian variants.  Varagans also make much use of hand gestures and body language, in a similar way to the Sartorians.  Their language also contains far more profanities and it is very common for Varagans to insult and mock each other as part of everyday speech.

Malvanian Language

Since the Malvanians have similar physiology to the native Mondians, they also have similarities in their language.  However, the Malvanian version of the language is much richer than the dry, clipped communications of the Cyad Mondians.  They are scientists and artists, they cultivate a love of language and literature from a very early age.  Malvanians are a very isolated and reticent folk, they do not mix well outside their familiar environment, although they are not hostile towards strangers.  They do not display their emotions easily, and can appear aloof towards off-worlders.  It is extremely difficult for a stranger to have a conversation with a Malvanian.  However, Malvanians have the greatest respect for learning and their scientists and sorcerers do occasionally share and exchange ideas with others.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan