Crystal Types


Colour: Transparent (but can appear white in some locations)
Location: All Fenian Planets
Properties: Bonded with planet’s core (except on Mondias and Yttria), prolongs life and heals damage.
Applications: Healing, Alchemy.


Colour: Dark Green
Location: Viria, Varathusia, Malvania, Sartoria
Properties: Bonded with certain people and animals, increases physical strength and stamina, increases vision and perception, endows eidetic memory.
Applications: Healing, Alchemy, Medical Research.


Colour: Reddish Brown (sometimes described as Maroon)
Location: Viria, Varathusia, Malvania, Sartoria
Properties: Bonded with rocks, soil, plant and animal life.  Bonded with certain people, increases telepathic, empathic and precognitive abilities.
Applications: Agriculture, Veterinary, Alchemy, Medical Research.


Colour: Metallic Silver
Location: Viria and Varathusia (but mined and exported throughout the Fenian Galaxy)
Properties: Bonded with mechanical and electronic devices (although this bonding is done in laboratories and factories, not in nature)
Applications: Vehicle Engines and Spacecraft (known as the crystal drive), Heat and Light, Weapons, Computers, Industrial and Agricultural Machinery, Domestic Appliances, Entertainment Consoles, Environmental Controls.


Colour: Pale Yellow
Location: Viria, Varathusia, Malvania, Sartoria
Properties: Similar to Ykaad but less stable bonding.
Applications:  Light Machinery, Domestic Appliances, Heat and Light, Entertainment Consoles.


Colour: Pale Lilac
Location: Viria, Varathusia, Malvania, Sartoria
Properties: Bonded with people and animals, increases hearing and speech abilities, language, communication, musical talent, such as singing and playing instruments.
Applications: No practical applications, but people who have this type of bond have the ability to become gifted musicians or singers due to their perfect pitch, also they can be trained as teachers or interpreters.


Colour: Dark Blue
Location: Viria, Varathusia, Malvania
Properties: Bonded with planet’s core and certain people and animals, enhances telepathic, empathic and precognitive abilities, endows prophetic capabilities, eidetic memory and greater mental stamina.
Applications: Too strong and unpredictable for most practical applications, but people who have this type of bond are extremely gifted and perceptive, they are usually trained as Vyageii, Imarii, Priests or Truth-Testers.


Colour: Usually black, but can have sparks of other colours embedded in them.
Location: Varathusia (extremely rare and difficult to find) 
Properties: Bonded with planet’s core and on rare occasions with people, enhances telepathic capabilities, mental stamina and physical strength. Bonds tend to be unstable and unpredictable. 
Applications: Mostly used for jewellery and other decorative purposes. The few rare individuals who have this type of bond need to maintain regular contact with solid obsidian crystals or receive regular liquid obsidian injections to maintain the stability of the bond. 


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan